Page:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1974.pdf/7

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S/RES/1974 (2011)

  1. Calls upon all Afghan and international parties to coordinate with UNAMA in the implementation of its mandate and in efforts to promote the security and freedom of movement of United Nations and associated personnel throughout the country;
  2. Reiterates the need to ensure security of United Nations staff and its support for the measures already taken by the Secretary-General in this regard;
  3. Stresses the importance of a strong presence of UNAMA and other United Nations agencies, funds and programmes in the provinces, encourages the Secretary-General to continue his current efforts to take necessary measures to address the security issues associated with their presence, and strongly supports the authority of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the coordination of all activities of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes in Afghanistan;
  4. Underscores the importance of a sustainable democratic development in Afghanistan with all Afghan institutions acting within their clearly defined areas of competence, in accordance with the relevant laws and the Afghan Constitution and welcomes, in this regard, the commitment of the Government of Afghanistan to work closely with the United Nations to build on the lessons learned from the 2009 and 2010 elections to deliver further improvements to the electoral process, including addressing the sustainability of the electoral process, and, taking into account the commitments made at the London and Kabul Conferences, reaffirms UNAMA's leading role in supporting, at the request of the Afghan Government, the realization of these commitments, and requests that, upon the request of the Government of Afghanistan, UNAMA provide technical assistance to the relevant Afghan institutions to support constructive electoral reforms; and further calls upon members of the international community to provide assistance as appropriate;
  5. Welcomes the renewed efforts of the Afghan Government, including through the national Consultative Peace Jirga held in June 2010, the establishment of the High Peace Council and the implementation of the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme, to promote dialogue with those elements in opposition to the Government who are ready to renounce violence, break ties with Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations, denounce terrorism and accept the Afghan Constitution, particularly as it relates to gender and human rights issues, and encourages the Government of Afghanistan to make use of UNAMA's good offices to support this process as appropriate, in full respect of the implementation of measures and procedures introduced by the Security Council in its resolution 1267 (1999), 1822 (2008) and 1904 (2009) as well as other relevant resolutions of the Council, also welcomes the measures taken by the Government of Afghanistan, and encourages it to continue to increase the participation of women, minorities and civil society in outreach and consultation processes, and recalls that women can play a vital role in the peace process, as recognized in Security Council resolution 1325 (2010) and related resolutions;
  6. Stresses the role of UNAMA in supporting the process of peace and reconciliation, including the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme, as mandated in this Resolution, and encourages the international community to assist the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan in this regard including through continued support to the Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund and, in this context, notes the conference on reintegration to be hosted by the Afghan Government in Kabul in the spring of this year;