Page:United Nations Security Council Resolution 1980.pdf/3

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S/RES/1980 (2011)

  1. their respective mandates, capabilities and areas of deployment, to assist respectively the Governments of Côte d'Ivoire and Liberia in monitoring their border, with particular attention to any cross border movement of combatants or transfer of arms;
  2. Reiterates the necessity for the Ivorian authorities to provide unhindered access to the Group of Experts, as well as UNOCI and the French Forces which support it, to equipment, sites and installations referred to in paragraph 2 (a) of resolution 1584 (2005), and to all weapons, ammunition and related materiel all armed security forces, regardless of location, including the arms issued from the collection referred to in paragraph 4 above, when appropriate without notice, as set out in its resolutions 1739 (2007), 1880 (2009), 1933 (2010) and 1962 (2010);
  3. Decides that the supply of vehicles to the Ivorian security forces shall be subject to the measures imposed by paragraph 7 of resolution 1572 (2004);
  4. Decides that the exemption procedure set out in paragraph 8 (e) of resolution 1572 (2004) shall apply only to arms and related materiel, vehicles, and the provision of technical training and assistance in support of the Ivorian process of security sector reform, pursuant to a formal request by the Ivorian Government and approved in advance by the Sanctions Committee;
  5. Underlines that it is fully prepared to impose targeted measures against persons to be designated by the Committee in accordance with paragraphs 9, 11 and 14 of resolution 1572 (2004) who are determined to be, among other things:
    1. A threat to the peace and national reconciliation process in Côte d'Ivoire, in particular by blocking the implementation of the peace process, as referred to in the Ouagadougou Political Agreement;
    2. Attacking or obstructing the action of UNOCI, of the French forces which support it and of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Côte d'Ivoire;
    3. Responsible for obstacles to the freedom of movement of UNOCI and of the French forces which support it;
    4. Responsible for serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed in Côte d'Ivoire;
    5. Inciting publicly hatred and violence;
    6. Acting in violation of the measures imposed by paragraph 1 above;
  6. Reiterates its readiness to impose sanctions against those who obstruct the electoral process, specifically the action of the Independent Electoral Commission and all other operators involved, and the proclamation and certification of the results of the Parliamentary elections;
  7. Requests all States concerned, in particular those in the subregion, to cooperate fully with the Sanctions Committee, and authorizes the Committee to request whatever further information it may consider necessary;
  8. Decides to extend the mandate of the Group of Experts as set out in paragraph 7 of resolution 1727 (2006) until 30 April 2012 and requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to support its action;