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Page:United States Army Field Manual 3-13 Information Operations.djvu/29

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FM 343 __________________________________________________________________________ supports thu thuzitur I0 czunpnign plan. lf another huadquartcrs is designated as the- ARFOR. that hcadquzxitvrs assumes this responsibility. IO Element/Reiated IO Coxvcepl of , . Amvny Suppm I0 Obiectsves no Tasks °*’$E° t mu tnnw nw wners ieau ninw 5 Planting Jovnlbrcc Gcogmpfuc ccrttbalanl ` ......,.,.,,,,,, {YYY,. c ......... c. c. L c. ,t¤s2Qst~4¤1!;t§ c. c. .......,, 22 mwéat ......... c. c. c. ytuttiatiqat. c. c. 4 . . a Framing men mgm wen mgmt l Ml¤·¤tv ¤¤¤¤r·¤¤¤ O md umm mw tmm vteni uwn ~ _ { Flaming FO¤nntng Ftannmg i E*¤¤t¤¤¤·¤ W¤rf=~ O im uanm hm mm hm mm O l , ONSCOM & O WO nssaqtanm nsauqumys ”°°f;f;;*_;f3f"fi';‘1fE*“‘*" O t INSCOM & CNA mdqumm rmasqhmes g""9:;z’_j(f¤f"’(z";_'jE”°"‘ CND » mu wm tm wm “m°*” i ONSCOM & ¤NE ; hsadqumm nmqusnm ¤"°9;;f:‘!;faf‘geP§€”"‘ _ ; Extacuttng Exccuttrtg Emwhng O P*¤v=¤¤=* ¤¤¤¤t¤¢¤¤¤ O maa umm mn mm mu tmm O ¥¤f¤¤¤¤¤~¤¤ A==~·¤¤=¤ z md nmm hsad umm hsad uanm ~ . POannvf•9 POanrim9 Plarmt¤9 •’t·y¤¤¤¤* $¤¢•»fO¢v O htad mm mm umm mmgumm O c,,,,,,,€,;,,,,,mge,,°., hczf ggg amen tmpenaani rm ammanx O ¤¤¤•¤¤¤¢¤·¢¤¤¤<>·· 2 mi umm hm uancrs md mm ¤¤··¤¤¤n>t¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ O md mm mmm-net mmmmr Figure 1·3. information Operations Approval Authorities LH7. IO cell mtambrzrs may mioxdixmtc dtu'l.n;: meetings 01* aver il local :11*0.*1 network. The frequency and times ot' IO coll meetings are synchronized with the comniand's huttlu rhythm (seo iigom 1372. page E—2Z>. The IO coll also idcntifios IO tzimtzts, which thc G-7 nominatcs during targeting tcnm menu ings. XO mil incmhurs umxdinnw IO objectives and tasks with their counterparts at the higher and lnwtir eohulons. This uoonlination ensums that [O ohjuctivcm and tasks nt mi cclmlnns are synulironizvd. TRAINING FOR INFORMATION OPERATIONS 1658. Eilmtivc IO ruquirus soldiers who havn tminod as tlniy intend m iight. Witten cnmnizxndcrs and uniw mruruiso 10 elements realistically in training, thu rcudiucss and wniiduliuc of tlw Rircu increases. Part Two contains 'l’l`l’ ini- IO. They thru; thu basis Obi individual and collective l(> training. When duvolnping IO [01* uxerulscs, the fniltwwing o0¤sSd01'ati(>nE are itxtpimlmlti • Include IO in traiiiiixg objectives. • Establish how achieving inttirmmrion superiority aids mission accom, plishmcnt. 1-22