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Page:United States Army Field Manual 3-13 Information Operations.djvu/31

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Chapter 2 Information Operations Elements and Related Activities This chapter discusses the contributions and links of eoch information operations (IO) core and supporting element and related activity to offen- sive and defensive I0. It also shows the links among them in diagram form. The core and supporting I0 elements are similar to the battlefield oper- eting systems. They ere independent activities thut, when taken together and synchronized, constitute IO. Figure 2—1, pages 2—27-—2·30. shows how each IO element supports the others. Figure 2-2. pages 2-31—2-32. shows possible conflicts among 10 elements. Figure 2-3, page 2-33, shows the support between IO and the related activities of public zulairs and civil- military operations. CORE ELEMENTS 2-1. Core IO elements me operations security (OPSEC), psyz:hol<rgicsl<wpcr:1ti¢ina (PSYOP). military deception (MD), cloet-mnic werihrc (EW) and oonipoter not- work operations (CNO). Computer network operations comprise com- puter network attack (CNA), computer network defense (CND}, and related computer network exploitation (CNE) enabling operations (This doiinition is consistent with joint initiatives and is being storied as n possible joint dolinitiou). Tlteso oore IO elements can he employed either in- dividuolly or io conjunction with various supporting elements. i·e1.ated activities, and iotellipzcnto capabilities to provide a fully integrated wmiighting capability. 2-2. PSYOP, MD mid OPSEC are employed to intluenco izdyersmy dccisionmaket-s or groups while protecting friendly dtcisionnniking. EW and CNO are employed to aiieut or defend the eloctroningnetic sptx·i1um,iiih1rm:xv tion systems (INFOSYSL end imiirmetlon that support douisiontnokers, weapon systems, command and eontrol (C2), and oulonmtud responses,

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