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Infomation Operations Elnmunts and R•tn•d Activitin PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS 2-7. Psycholngubul operations are planned operations that convey selected in- formation and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, mo- tives, objective reasoning, and ultvimately tn influence the behavior of Qireign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. The purpose of psycho- logical operations is to induce or winihrw iiireign attitudes and behnirior favor- able to the origiriutofs objectives (JP Fl-53). Only Department of Defense agen- cies (including Army forces) conduct PSYOP. 2»8. Strategic-level PSYOP are synchronized with International Public Inibrrmitixm Program (IPIP). The IPIP coordinates dissemination oi“inf01·ma— tion about US foreign policy outside the United States, its territories, and its posszxsians through by various government agencies. Presidential Decision Directive 68 requires that inibrmation distributed through the IPIP not be designed "to mislead foxeigm audiences," and that information programs "must he Lru£hful," Contributions 2»9. Psychological operations can nrticiil.:-ite to appropriate ibreign audiences the mission, intent, and combat power of the three. It can also curb unreasonv able expectations about che US mle and actions during operations. PSYOP are a mainstay of US government eihvrts to influence kireign audiences at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels (see JP 3-53; FM 334-1). 2-10. PSYOP is a force multiplier. its uzpahilities in.elude— • Increasing the effects of MD. • Ruiuforuing adversary perceptions that support iiiendly op¢.wat.ions. • Planting doubts about the adversary leadership. • Enhancing live-tire capability demonstrations with surrender appeals. • Projecting the image of US superiority. • lntluendng foreign populations hy expressing information in a fashion that aFl`ects attitudes and behavior. • Obtaining compliance ur noninterference with Army force operations. • Facilitating operations; minimizing needless loss of liih and collateral damage, and tixrtheving objectives of the United States and its partners, PSYOP personnel can also assist commanders by advising them of whom to influence and how, 241, Specific PSYOPtech1iiqucsinclixde~ • Identifying adversary informati<ini·gathering capabilities and actions. . Ascertaining information and indicators that should be conveyed and denied to adversaries to reinforce desired perceptions and pre- serve essential secrecy. • Developing themes and actions tn he stiossed ur avoided to support attaining speciiic l0 objectives. • Using faceto-face communications, essential communicators, and mass media tn channel adversary hehaviar. 2v 12. PSYOP can also convince adversaries not to do something by describing results of their taking an undesired action. This type of operation is usually 2-8