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lnfomution Opuninnns Elements and Roland Autivitin analysis and control element (ACE), the EWO identijies jamming, MI), and PSYOP mrgots. The EWO ouoidinaws with the G·2 to deoontliczlsynnbrviiize EW operations with intelligence collection operations, and for intelligence support to EW. The G»7 synclironizes CNA request with EW operations, deoouilictii-ig and synchronizing EW tasks with other IO tasks. COMPUTER. NETWORK OPERATIONS 2—7i<l. Computer network operations comprise computer network av tuck, computer network defense, and related computer network ex· ploitatiun enabling operations. CN0 is not totally applicable at the taotiv cal level. CNO is applicable at echeluns above corps. CNA oonducted in support of an Army service component command or its equivalent may affect lower echelons and support their objectives. CND is done at all army echeluns across the spectrum of conflict. CNE is an intelligence function conducted at echelons above corps. (See definition at paragraph 2-43.) COMPUTER NETWORK ATTACK 231. Computer nelwcrk attack is operations to disrupt, deny, degrade, or de~ stmy information resident in computers and computer netwoiks, or the come puters and networks themselves (JP 3-13). CNA gives commanders with CNA release authority a nonkinetic strike option to enhance the effects of other lethal and nonlethal capabilities by destroying digital information. The G-7 is responsible for CNA planning and coordinates closely with the G-2, who begins the intelligence process m support CNA planning and operations, including hattle damage assessment. 2432, Tn maximize its etfocts, commanders integrate CNA with other IO ole ments. CNA can support, augment, and facilitate PSYOP and maneuver, deep strike, EW, Era support, and MI) operations. Its capabilities include de— nying, deceiving, disrupting, and destroying adversary C2 nodes, weapon sys- tems, communications systems. information, amd networks. The G-7 looks for innovative ways to integrate its capabilities into the overall operation. I0 planners eorwdinate and deoonflict CNA and intelligence collection efforts. They also perlorm the following tasks; • Determine desired CNA eifteete and their duration. • Integrate CNA with other capabilities. lethal and nonlethnl, to enhance its effects. • Conduct a risk assessment to determine possible consequences of second- and t.l1ird-order CNA oifects. • Deconiliet potential CNA operations with CNE and other ongoing operations. Detontliction includes im intelligence gain/loss assessment. The possible effects of a CNA operation on intelligence operations are a critical factor that commanders consider before executing it. 2413. Most CNA are offensive IO. CNA targeted against resources the adver~ sary requires to perform offensive IO is considered defensive IO. 2-514. Commanders consider its pntendal eonsequences before executing CNA. For eimmpie, a technologically advanced adversary that has refrained from conducting CNA may retaliate to friendly CNA in kind. 2-I