FM 3-18 and other G—G staff members help the assistant chief nf smK G·6 cxecuw thc LA/NEYPOPS mission. The G—6 coordinates with the G~5 on the availability of commercial INFOSYS and sewices for military use. The G~5 identifies and assiszs the G-6 with nwrdjnatinn for military use of local communications systems The EWO sxxmlinatea with the G-6 to decnnilict ikequencies Ihr EA targets bo ensure Eicndly IA is not nifcuncd. The G-2 provides infhrmatiun and inwlliszcnw regarding threats tn Army information and INFOSYS. The C—7 decontlicts IA with thc uthuv IO elements. 2-58. The G~6 disseminates the inibrmatinn operations condition (INFOCON) to units and the staff, The INFOCON pmvides sn mordinmed structured np- pmauh to defense against, and rcnctiun tu, attacks on computers, networks, und INFOSYS. The INFOCON stutuscs and their associated actions ure~ • Normal (no signiieant activity). • Alpha (increased risk of attack). • Bravo (specitic risk of attack). . Charm: (limimd meek). • Delta (general attack), 2—59. Norms] (nc signiticnnt activity). Under INFOCON Normal, organizations take the following actions: • Ensure all missiuwcritical information und INFOSYS (including appli- cations and databases) and their operational importance are identified. • Ensuw all paints nf access and their operational necessity ue identified. • On an continuing basis, cxmduct nmrrnu! security practices. ~ Conduct periodic internal security ruviuws and external vulnerability 2»60. Alpha (increased xisk of attack). INFOCON Alpha is imposed when- • Indications and warning indicate u general threat. • Regional events me occurring which nifecm U.S. interests and involve potential adversaries with suspected ur known CNA capabilirjes. 2-61, INFOCON Alpha s1cti0nsinclude—— • Increasing seeuxity for INFOSYS supporting planned ur ongoing opera tions, contingencies or exercises for INFDSYS. • Exemting appmpz-inte security practices; for example, increasing the [mqucrwy uf audit, review, and critical {ile backup procedures, • Accomplishing ull actions required at INFOCON Normal, 2-62. Bravo (specific risk of attack). INFOCON Bravo is imposed when-— • Indications and warning indicaw that n specific system, location, unit, or operation is being targeted, • A signiticanr level of network probes. scans., nr nctiviLies indicating a pattern of concentrated reconnaissance are detected. • Network pcnetrarimns or deni:z1—0f-sewicc attacks nre attempted but have ne impact w DOD epexminns. 263, INFOCON Bravo actions include- . Executing appmpzime defensive monies. 2-14
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