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FM 3-18 • Determining applicable protection levels. • Coordinating with higher and adjacent units and host-nation agencies. • Developing contingency plans for natural disasters, termrist actions, or weapons of mass destruction attacks. See AR 190-13 and FM $1.9.30 tor physical secutity requirements and 'PTP. Contributions 2-70. Commanders conduct physical security operations to safeguard resoumes, including information and INFOSYS. Properly integrated, physical security complements the other IO elements. 2-71. Physical security resources include the following: • Physical security programs. Commanders establish physical security programs appropriate to their commands mission. • Physical security specialists. Physical security specialists from the provost marshal st:i.EI` can identify vulnerable nzmis and recommend appropriate wuntormensures. Additionally, they can provide assessments of unit physical security measures. 2-72. The G»7 synchmnizcs physical security measures with other IO element operations. I·`irst·line leaders ensure soldiers know regulatory requirements, understand how physical security measures protect information and INFOSYS, and learn to recognize potential problem areas in physical and inhirmntitin security. Staff Coordination 213. The provost marshal holds staff responsibility Dir physical security. At ochelons where un provost marshal is authorized. thc G-2 assumes this re- sponsibility He conducts physical security operations m protect critical assets, nodes, and sensitive materials Hs coordinates with other stat! ollices for physical security matters. The G-2 assesses physical security vulnerabilities, The provost marshal informs the G-7 of suspected physical security violations involving the elements of IO. He advises the G6 of those involving IM. COUNTERINTELLIGENCE 2-74. Cvunuzrintelligencz is information gathered and activities wnducted to pwtect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted by or on behalf of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, or ibreign persons, or international terrorist activities. (JP 3-13). Contributions 2-75. Ciiunttsrintelligemce (CI) operations support preserving essential secu- iity and protect the fume. directly and indirectly (see JP 2-01.2; FM 34-(it!). They are tailored to the sensitivity of the unit and its vtthiombility to ad- versary intelligence surveillance and attack. 2-76. The C1 mission is to detect, identify, assess, counter, neutralize, or ex- ploit hostile intelligence collection. C1 personnel are part of a vulnerability 2-16