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Page:United States Army Field Manual 3-13 Information Operations.djvu/55

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lnhnnnticn Dpumtinns Elnmams and Roland Actiwtian 2·ll5. Support to Civil Authorities. Support to civil authorities inulndes assistance with relief, dislocated civilian support (dislocated persons, evacuees. expellecs, or refugees). and security or technical assistance. These activities may include such mstinns as·· • Coordinating the mmoval of civilians tinrn the combat zone • interimzingz betwwn US/multinational iiuves and host nntiun and other govt-rninental/n<irtg:iwx*<¢i·ntnentcnl mrga iiizatiozts, · Exemisixtg military uontml over an area, hostile government, or population. 2416. Limitations on Using Civil Affairs Forces. Civil af/airs throes am designated active and reserve component litmus and units organized, trained, and equipped spe.·cilicul.ly to conduct civil aftbirs activities and to support civiluulitary operations (JP 3-57). The need of CA threes to maintain ci·cdi· bility with the civil populace limits the extent to which they can support IO. The daily encounters between CA soldiers and the people and institutions of the AO am prime sources oi information. CA soldiers wllect this information and mnduct assessments in older to target their reiiet`ei.Y<uts or stabilize the civil environment. CMO support IO and facilitates mission accomplishinent hy enhancing the relationship between the overall force and the civilian populate, However, CA units avoid any pemeptimi that their activities ate related to IO. M S , ~ ~ _~.t .~¥:ivi\,Military Quotations,Fs`a‘Peag>sk¤gping’Evis(ir¤nnaeygt’ f V §.j¥· ;`, .

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= i _ i— —.m¤vsKtes¤¤nslp¢esent¤¤· Addmonaltyi tt1s;§llDPélshiZMlpt¤vld€d¤ppbrh1nltien·fxx_i;iyil- K . * _i ;__:i ’ afairs p¤isqnhe1iriqmsei—sn¤ tal; in m;y9rs,an¤’qihsr`t¤•:ai’isa;iers;·vniq _ .5, ti’· gwculd pésninaceessqsgs .··.— _ ; , xiv., , _.i ' ` ; ` ’_,· A kr .' , ..,· . ,4 Stuff Coordination 2417, Public alinirs, PSYOP. and CMO are uooidinated to eliminate unnecessary duplication of elliwrt, ensure unity of purpose, and ensure credi— bility is not undermined. 2-25