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Page:United States Reports, Volume 1.djvu/12

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Supreme Court of Pennsylvania:

September Term, 1754.

Before William Allen, Chief Justice.
Lawrence Growden, and Justices.
Caleb Cowpland,


Adjudged by the court, that the Statute of Frauds and Perjuries[1] does not extend to this Province, though made before Mr. Penn's Charter: The Governor of New-York having exercised a Jurisdiction here, before the making that Statute, by Virtue of the Word Territories, in the Grant to the Duke of York, of New-York and New-Jersey.

April Term, 1759.

William Allen, Chief Justice,
William Coleman, Justice.

The Lessee of Hyam and others versus Edwards.

Copy of a Deed inrolled in the King’s Bench in England, proved before the Lord Mayor of London to be a true one; allowed to be given in Evidence to a Jury to support a Title to Lands in this Province.[2]

  1. 29 Car. 2. c. 3. This statute was supplied, however by an act of General Assembly passed the 12 Geo. 3. c. 31. 1 State Laws 462. and see 2 P. Will. 75.
  2. 11 Mod. 2 c. 2.