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Page:United States Reports, Volume 1.djvu/427

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CASES ruled and adjudged in the


“and to each of his three fons, and his daughters, &c. the fum of Ł5.

“ to be paid three months after my deceafe, &c. I give and bequeath

“ unto my fifter Anne Nedrow, all that my 300 acre tract of land,

“ fituate, &c. with the appurtenances, to her, her heirs and affigns

“ forever. I give and bequeath unto my fifter Catherine Wilʃar, all

“ that my 300 acres tract of land, fituate, &c. to her, her heirs and

“ affigns forever. I give and bequeath unto my loving (wife) Anne

Johnʃon, the one moiety or undivided halt of all that my 500 acre

“ tract of land, fituate, &c. to her, her heirs and affigns forever;

Provided always that if my faid wife Anne Johnʃon after my de-

“ ceafe, fhould be married to another man, that then the fhall

“ have the faid moiety during her life, with fufficient power to give

“ and bequeath the fame at her deceafe, to whomfoever the will,

“ excepting to her second hufband, or any from or under him. I

“ give and bequeath the other moiety , or undivided half part of my

“ faid 500 acre tract of land unto my three fifters, “ Ann, Catharine,

“ and Rebecca, each one third part, to them,their heirs and affigns

“ forever. My will is that there be no water works built or erected

“ on any part of the faid 500 acre tract of land for the fpace of, &c.

“ I give and bequeath my tract of land lying,&c. unto my fifter

Ann, and to her heirs and affigns forever; under and fubjet to the

“ yearly rent of 40s .&c. to be paid to my loving wife, Ann Johnʃon,

“ and to her heirs and affigns forever. I give and bequeath unto

“ my fifter Catherine, my twenty and old acres of land, lying, &c.

“ and the appurtenances ; alʃo, twelve acres of wood land to be cut

“ off a large tract adjoining ,&c. to be holden by her, her heirs and

“ affigns forever; under and fubject to the yearly rent of Ł6, to be

“ paid to my loving wife Ann Johnʃon, her heirs and affigns forever,

“ and alfo fubject to as much firewood as my wife fhall have oc-

“ cafion for, when the comes to live at Germantown. I give, de-

“vife, and bequeath to my fifter Rebecca, and her fon Paul all that

“my tract of land (the remainder after the faid 12 acres are

“ taken off) containing 50 acres, more, or lefs, adjoining, &c. to be

“ holden to them, their heirs and affigns forever ; under and fubject

“ to the yearly rent of Ł4, to be paid to my loving wife, Ann John

ʃon, her heirs and affigns forever ; the faid tract not to be fold till

Paul arrives at 30 years of age. I give and bequeath unto my

“ fifter Ann, all that my tract of 12 acres oppofite the laft men-

“ tioned 50 acres,&c. to her heirs and affigns forever. I give and

“ bequeath Ł 50 to the poor-houfe keepers of Germantown,&c. I

“ give and bequeath Ł 50 to the ufe of the Pennʃylvania Hoʃpital. As

“ concerning all the reft and refidue of my effects, bills, bonds, mort-

“ gages, monies, and eftate whatfoever, not herein before given, I

“ would have divided equally between my loving wife Ann, and my

“fifters, Ann, Catharine, and Rebecca, part and fhare alike to each of

“ them, their heirs and affigns forever. And I do appoint and

“ nominate my loving wife, Ann Johnʃon,&c. to be executors of this

“ my laft will and teftament.”
