“ attorney, executors, adminiſtrators and aſſigns, when he ſhould
“ afterwards be thereto required. And the ſaid James Cummings, in
“ (illegible text) ſaith, that the ſame ſum of money, or any part thereof, be-
“ ing in no (illegible text) paid or ſatisfied, a certain Joʃeph Parker, for whoſe
“ uſe and (illegible text) the obligation or writing obligatory aforeſaid, was
“ made as aforeſaid, afterwards, to wit, on the twelfth day of May,
"in the year of our Lord, 1784, as the county aforeſaid, by his
“ certain deed of aſſignment on the obligation or writing obliga-
“ tory aforeſaid, under his hand and ſeal duty made and executed,
“ before two credible witneſſes, did aſſign, indorſe and make over
“ the obligation or writing obligatory aforeſaid, to be ſaid Joʃeph
“ Lynn, as by the ſame deed of aſſignment, to the Court here ſhewn
“ appears. And the ſaid James Cummings ſurther in ſact ſaith that
“ the ſaid Joʃeph Lynn aſterwards, to wit, on the 8th day of Sept-
“ tember in the year laſt aforeſaid, as the county aforeſaid, the ſaid
“ ſum of money, or any part thereof, being in no wiſe paid or ſatis-,
“ ſied by his certain deed of aſſignment on the ſaid writing obligatory
“ under his hand and ſeal duly made and executed, before two cre-
“ dible witneſſes, did aſſign, indorſe, and make over the ſaid obli-
“ gation, or writing obligatory, to the ſaid George Turner for value
“ received of him. And the ſaid James Cummings further in fact
“ ſaith, that the ſaid Joʃeph Lynn, in and by his ſaid deed of aſſign-
“ ment did covenant and agree to and with the ſaid George Turner,
“ and his aſſigns, that the ſum of money aforeſaid ſhould be well and
“ truly paid to the ſaid George Turner, or his aſſigns, agreeably to
“ the ſaid obligation, or writing obligatory, as by the ſame deed of
“ aſſignment to the Court here ſhewn appears. And the ſaid James
“ Cummings further in fact ſaith, that the ſaid George Turner after-
“ wards, to wit, on the 18th day of November, in the year laſt afore-
“ ſaid, at the county aforeſaid, the ſaid ſum of money, being in no
“ wiſe paid, or ſatisſied, did by his certain deed of aſſignment, on
“ the ſaid obligation or writing obligatory duly made and executed,
“ under his hand and ſeal, before two credible witneſſes, aſſign, in-
"dorſe, and make over the ſaid obligation or writing obligatory,
“ to the ſaid James Campbell, and Stephen Kingʃton, and their aſſigns,
“ for value received of them, and by the ſame deed of aſſignment
“ the ſaid George did then and there covenant with the ſaid James
“ Campbell and Stephen Kingʃton, and their aſſigns, that that ſaid ſum
"of money ſhould be well and truly paid to the ſaid James Camp-
“ bell and Stephen Kingʃton, or their aſſigns, agreeably to the ſaid ob-
“ ligation or writing obligatory, as by the ſame deed of aſſignment
“ to the Court here ſhewn appears. And the ſaid James Cummings
“ further in fact ſaith, that the ſame James Campbell and Stephen King-
“ ʃton aſterwards, to wit, on the eighteenth day of December, in the
“ year laſt aforeſaid, at the county aforeſaid, the ſaid ſum of mo-
“ ney being in no wiſe paid or ſatisſied, by their certain deed of
“ aſſignment on the ſaid obligation or writing obligatory duly made
“ and executed, under their hands and ſeals, before two credible
“ witneffes,