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Page:United States Reports, Volume 1.djvu/456

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SUPREME COURT of Pennʃylvania.


“ attorney, executors, adminiſtrators and aſſigns, when he ſhould

“ afterwards be thereto required. And the ſaid James Cummings, in

(illegible text) ſaith, that the ſame ſum of money, or any part thereof, be-

“ ing in no (illegible text) paid or ſatisfied, a certain Joʃeph Parker, for whoſe

“ uſe and (illegible text) the obligation or writing obligatory aforeſaid, was

“ made as aforeſaid, afterwards, to wit, on the twelfth day of May,

"in the year of our Lord, 1784, as the county aforeſaid, by his

“ certain deed of aſſignment on the obligation or writing obliga-

“ tory aforeſaid, under his hand and ſeal duty made and executed,

“ before two credible witneſſes, did aſſign, indorſe and make over

“ the obligation or writing obligatory aforeſaid, to be ſaid Joʃeph

Lynn, as by the ſame deed of aſſignment, to the Court here ſhewn

“ appears. And the ſaid James Cummings ſurther in ſact ſaith that

“ the ſaid Joʃeph Lynn aſterwards, to wit, on the 8th day of Sept-

tember in the year laſt aforeſaid, as the county aforeſaid, the ſaid

ſum of money, or any part thereof, being in no wiſe paid or ſatis-,

ſied by his certain deed of aſſignment on the ſaid writing obligatory

“ under his hand and ſeal duly made and executed, before two cre-

“ dible witneſſes, did aſſign, indorſe, and make over the ſaid obli-

“ gation, or writing obligatory, to the ſaid George Turner for value

“ received of him. And the ſaid James Cummings further in fact

ſaith, that the ſaid Joʃeph Lynn, in and by his ſaid deed of aſſign-

“ ment did covenant and agree to and with the ſaid George Turner,

“ and his aſſigns, that the ſum of money aforeſaid ſhould be well and

“ truly paid to the ſaid George Turner, or his aſſigns, agreeably to

“ the ſaid obligation, or writing obligatory, as by the ſame deed of

“ aſſignment to the Court here ſhewn appears. And the ſaid James

Cummings further in fact ſaith, that the ſaid George Turner after-

“ wards, to wit, on the 18th day of November, in the year laſt afore-

ſaid, at the county aforeſaid, the ſaid ſum of money, being in no

“ wiſe paid, or ſatisſied, did by his certain deed of aſſignment, on

“ the ſaid obligation or writing obligatory duly made and executed,

“ under his hand and ſeal, before two credible witneſſes, aſſign, in-

"dorſe, and make over the ſaid obligation or writing obligatory,

“ to the ſaid James Campbell, and Stephen Kingʃton, and their aſſigns,

“ for value received of them, and by the ſame deed of aſſignment

“ the ſaid George did then and there covenant with the ſaid James

Campbell and Stephen Kingʃton, and their aſſigns, that that ſaid ſum

"of money ſhould be well and truly paid to the ſaid James Camp-

bell and Stephen Kingʃton, or their aſſigns, agreeably to the ſaid ob-

“ ligation or writing obligatory, as by the ſame deed of aſſignment

“ to the Court here ſhewn appears. And the ſaid James Cummings

“ further in fact ſaith, that the ſame James Campbell and Stephen King-

ʃton aſterwards, to wit, on the eighteenth day of December, in the

“ year laſt aforeſaid, at the county aforeſaid, the ſaid ſum of mo-

“ ney being in no wiſe paid or ſatisſied, by their certain deed of

“ aſſignment on the ſaid obligation or writing obligatory duly made

“ and executed, under their hands and ſeals, before two credible

“ witneffes,