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Page:United States Reports, Volume 1.djvu/490

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SUPREME COURT of Pennʃylvania.


my brothers ATLER and RUSH, upon this principle, that it was in the power of Samuel Moore to have fecured the fervice of the Negroes in queftion ; and, having omitted to do fo, he cannot, on the one hand, take advantage of his own negligence ; nor, on the other, will an ignorance of the law execufe him. The tenth fection of the Acts of Affembly feems, indeed, in accurate and infenfible; but, as upon a claufe of fo obfcure a kind, I would not wifh to prefs an argument againft liberty, I muft declare my voice to be in faver of difcharge of the Negroes.

by the court :––Let the Negroes be difcharged.