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Page:United States Reports, Volume 1.djvu/54

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Supreme Court of Pennſlvania


The ſecond indictment was for forging a receipt, purporting to be a receipt from one Adam Foulke, with intent to defraud the United States. It was expreſſed in the following words:

Philadelphia County ſſ.

The Jurors for the Commonwealth of Pennſylvania, upon their oaths and affirmations, do preſent, that Cornelius Sweers, late of the county aforeſaid, yeoman, on the firſt day of July, in the year of our Lord one thouſand ſeven hundred and ſeventy ſeven, and long before, and ſince, was a clerk to the department of the Commiſſary General of military ſtores, in the armies of the United States of America, and entruſted and employed by Colonel Benjamin Flowers, the Commiſſary General of military ſtores in the armies aforeſaid; and by the honorable continental Congreſs, to make payments, and take receipts, bills of parcels, and other vouchers, for military ſtores and for divers articles neceſſary and fitting in the preparation of military ſtores, purchaſed for the uſe of the armies aforeſaid, and to keep the accounts thereof: And the Jurors aforeſaid, upon their oaths and affirmations aforeſaid, do further preſent, that the ſame Cornelius Sweers, on the ſame day and year aforeſaid, at the city of Philadelphia, in the county aforeſaid, contriving and intending, falſely and fraudulently, to deceive and deſraud the United States aforeſaid, with force and arms, falſely, wickedly and unlawfully, did make, forge and counterfeit, and cauſe to be made, forged and counterfeited, a certain writing, purporting to be a receipt for one thouſand and twenty pounds and fifteen ſhillings, and purporting to be ſigned in the name of one Adam Foulk, in the words and figures following, to wit, “3 Rec’d 1ſt July 1777 of Col. B. Flowers, C. G. M. S. one thouſand and twenty pounds 15ſ. for 820 bayonet belts, and 920 cartouch boxes, for the use of the army.


Adam Foulk.
to the evil example of all others in like caſe offending, to the great damage of the United States, and againſt the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennſylvania. And the Jurors aforeſaid, upon their oaths and affirmations aforeſaid, do further preſent, that the ſaid Cornelius Sweers, contriving and intending the ſaid United States, falſely and fraudulently, to deceive and defraud, then and there, with force and arms, the ſaid writing, ſo as aforeſaid falſely made and counterfeited, purporting to be a receipt for the ſum of one thouſand and twenty pounds and fifteen ſhillings, and purporting to be ſigned in the name of the ſaid Adam Foulk, wickedly, unlawfully and fraudulently, did publiſh, and cauſe to be publisſed, as and for a true writing and receipt of the ſaid Adam Foulk; which ſaid falſely forged and counterfeited

“ writing