ceive continental money for ſpecie, and, at the end of it, be deprived of the debts due to them from abroad, whilſt they are obligated to pay the debts due from them to Britiſh ſubjects. Unleſs ſome care is taken, this may be the caſe. I would hope, therefore, that the aſſemblies of the different ſtates will think ſeriouſly of it, and, with a view it may be attended to, I have given this hint upon the preſent public occaſion.
With reſpect to the caſe before the court, the Chief Justice ſeemed ſtrongly with the plaintiffs, and the jury found a verdict for them accordingly.
Lewis and Wilſon for the plaintiffs—Bradford and Ingerſol for the defendant.

April Term, 1783.

Kennedy verſus Fury.
A conveyance was made to A. in truſt for B. and B. brought an ejectment on his own demiſe. Blair contended that the demiſe ought to have been laid in the name of A. in-as-much as the legal eſtate was in him.
But by Atler Juſtice, (M’Kean C. J. being abſent) the demiſe by B. is well enough. We have no Court of Equity here; and, therefore, unleſs the ceſtui que truſt could bring an ejectment in his own name, he would be without remedy, in the caſe of an obſtinate truſtee.