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Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/308

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not Cases ····?r‘ and,ad‘ud in the 3 _ J r 4. is fullicientl exeufed b the waiver, which has been rovedott 79 Y Y P ` the part of the defendant. _ t . Verdié}, for the Plaintidin, for I9,4OO dollars. Lmir, Rawlr, Randolph Bt Dalla: for the plaintiE`s. E. Tilgln max, brgerjalg Wilmk and Snjzan: for the dcfendantt" · April Term, 1 794.a.. Prefent WlLSON and Pawizns, §'z$4i¢:!t · A Bnunrnznn rt aL··uc»fu.r Van: rz al. __ _ /Lu/__ HE queltion in this caufe arofe upon the af! of Affeniblf dy for recording Mortgages {1 Val. Dall. Edit. p. 1 tz) the r ‘ [ 4‘mortgage of the defendants having been recorded after the eg. l piration of lix Lunar, but within lix Calendar, months, from the date z And ·r1-nz. Coturr, having compared this, with other 2&s of the Lcgiilature, were of opinion, that by the word •·months," Calendar months were intended. _ . Lewi: (S' Tilgbmrm, for the plaintilli . Ingnybll, Rawk, i·>’ !T6ama.r, for the defendant.


l Anusrnonc vnfur C.msoN’s Executors. zéa JUDGMENT having been obtained in the Supreme · ’ Court o£ the State of Newkjnyéy, an aétion of debt was Z/nur rought upon it here; andthe de endants pleaded nil delwi:. U

But Bradford contended, that, conlillently with the Federal

i Conlijtutiop Art: 4. 1 ; and the aé]: cf Congrefs of 26 May, 5 aqgo (1 Vol. S·rugf2’:Ed. p. t 1 5) the plea was inadmillible. The

 Conllituticn declares that *• full faith and credit {hall be given in

B each

' The defendantk contnfel tendered a bill of Exceptions to the ad-

2 Iilliion of Anderran': teflimony; and, alfo, to the opinion of thellourt _ on the points lla:ed in the charge. A Writ of Error was, accordingly, i brought; but never profecutcdr ‘