Cracurr Coun, Pm;/ylwmh Dillriét. 33, be itriél in the previous ftages of the bulincfs, before an attach- ,79. ment can be awarded; and all the documents, upon which it yyl is awarded, mult be Eled with the Court. The Unrrt-:¤ Srncs verju Mowrcouear. N attachment being awarded againil: the witnelfes, who A did not attend at the return of the jiépcna that had iffu- ed in this eaufe on the part_of the defendant, the Marlhall {Ni- ckel:) fuggelted that they relided in a diflant County, and allied the opinion of the Court, whether it was his duty to ferve the rocefs. _ P B! me Comvr :-An attachment is the procefs of the Court, regularly ilfuing for the adminiflzration of juiiice; and, therefore, mult be ferved by the Marlhall. — The Ururen Srrrcs WFJGIJ The Inscncswrs of Pemjio¤ni¤_ EVERAL indifiments forhigh treafon having been found S againfl pcrfons concerned in the infurreétiori in the four W glen: Counties of Prrn%·lw::ia, a Vruire was ilfued in each cafe, for fummoning a jury returnable to the prcfent Term; and to each writ the Marlhall returned a leparate pannel, containing the names of thirty-li: jurors, from the city of Pbibdayclwirr, {il- teen fmm the county of Delaware, nine from the county _of Clglkr and twelve from each county, in which the treafon was charged to have been committed, making ferenty-two jurors on each pannel, and one hundred and eight jurors fummonod on the whole. ` The af.} of C¤qqr¢ ft IGL p. uz. ji 29 ) having direéied “ that any peribn who {hall be accufed and indiéied of treafon, (hall havea copy of the indiSment, and a lill of the jury and - witneffes tobe produced on the trial for proving the faid indi€t- ment, mentioning the names and places of abodes of fuch wit- r.elli:s and jurors, dclivercd unto him at leall: three entire days before he {hall be tried for the fame-," the Aitomey of the Dil`- · trifi had, in due time, delivered to the feveral prifoners copies of the indiéiment, of the pannel of jurors, and of the lift of witneilics; but he had omitted to deliver a copy of the caption of the indiétment, and to fpecify the occupations, or the place-: of abode of the jurors and witneffes, otherwife that by mention- ing the counties iu which the jurors rcqieéiivcly relided. ’ On