Page:United States Reports, Volume 2.djvu/497

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I N D E X. ,;_ Where the Court will not fettle the interell, in an aélitn of debt, on a SR judgmeugwithout a jury- 3o_;. ` "' c°'$e"M""" lb , . JUSTICES or me PEACE. "1`ES l` A 1`E. . . su HTS [ TdrelI;pa(.=,JrIt¤rh tlpzght he made the INVALID PEh¤bIONERS. w;‘;_i,,,,,“;' ,,,,;}‘,_i;,;°';,§'_Pfi_’;**,;;_;j Sec [Elem] Cvcrfi. the jI|l’ll`¢li•.‘E•I| QI tht Punt:. _ IAQ No jnflice ought to tai: JE{‘%T• nf annie, which has been previuully SN Wi'"¢· ·lcc|d!.d by mother jumcc. yy. 2. IREDELL, }AlYIES. The judgment of a jallice oflsl; sc, y“y,,_ Suze, gisu namely on the arteitation - ` ilcd cannot bo {ufl ytrnczs. ·‘,;"“’ “"“' . john jay, appoinwd Chlrf ]¤lll¤¤, ullzmecrdingshcfnm a ro rg; and William Culhing, james Wilfun, yu- agm imyuguj by I cnn and- john Blair, appointed allociatc Mu-4;;], u._ jullices of the Supreme Court of the 11;; Crum mqjhékgglk aft; jh`;. Uniud Sum- 399- ed upon the juilices return to a ¤m•.‘ uilarncs lredell, lppblnftdllllivtillt "yi, wiehqur ngydligg gg gh; pm. J _'==<>f the Supreme €¤¤= ¤f _¤h¢ rirsof the original quenm. ii,. Unmd SW6- 4°°· To eilablilh an exception to the pro· Tl¤¤¤¤¤¤ ]¤ll¤l`¤¤, ¤PP¤i¤¤¢d ¤¤ if' eeeelings before a jullice, tire alhdavie fuciate juftice of the Supreme Conn or the pn]-, ,],0,,.,h mt umdaaw of the United Staten. 4oz- gm thm, dm ,,,,,j’ ,,,;,,,6, W dl; William P¤¢£|’f¤¤. |PPi¤N¥d$¤ Um" Otllcridttn illtw tllatit is hlfe. 114p ciato: jufliee of the Supreme Court of n the United States. 481 ...;.;___ s' JUDGMENT. LANDS. See jyfiur gf the Peace. I·`•rd_gn gt, Ru, Elm nr. Ra! £ u A , §',jg;'i,,_ ‘ ·" “ "°' ’ or NA nous. JURIES. see 41¤1»:.a»;. ln Inrlr a jury can fcldom be txprc- LEGACY. ted to agree upon the prcelfe fum for See J_f•nu·n!. HTIL·vcs; a middle fum, may in fom: ° eafcsfbeagood rule ; and though it LEGAL 'REPRESENTA• may be abufcd, unlcfs the abufe up- IIVES. pure, fraud will unt be pl'¤l`¤I¤¢<l- `VHO IR “lrg¤lrcprefcntativcs,“

5 aiu the r v e . ‘

The Court cannot dim! thc Sharif ter. mw, S N u F lz; to take a jury from any particular part LEVY]NG `VAR of the county. 251. ` Where thc Court will not calculate $¤¢ Y’=¤/`¤•=· interull, without a jury. 303. LIEN; ’l'he number and addition of jurors to he returned, and the form of the SR R~"F”hie` ALFSLT"` ‘ Paumels, in trials for High '1`rcafon. LIMI PA FIONS. gg; to 34:. The ar?. nf Iimitazions is a good plea Challenge of a juror retraéied, and I in har to an aéiion brought by a citizen thc juror [wom, on a trial for High of thc United Swet, relidenr in South Trrufon. *45. Carolina aguinsi - Tun GJ: ` The Circuit Court will order a gale: Peunfyldama. d Lu N nig: ua fpecial as well as common juryeaufr-• Accounts hutwecn u Principal and 33 • !a::•2 ‘1‘l Z