Page:United States Reports, Volume 60.djvu/28

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Ex Parte Secombe.

court, and of the several District Courts of this Territory, and that he be henceforth forbidden and prohibited from practising as such attorney in any of said courts. It is further

Ordered, That the clerk of this court deliver to said David A. Secombe a copy of this order.

A true record. Attest:George W. Prescott, Clerk.

I, George W. Prescott, clerk of the Supreme Court in and for the Territory of Minnesota, certify the foregoing to be a true and complete copy of the order of court made and entered of record as above set forth on said 5th day of said February, A. D. 1856; and I further certify, that the above and foregoing is the whole and entire record in any way or manner relating to the said order of court at the said term or at any other term; and that the said order was made and entered of record in the following and no other manner, to wit: On the said day, the said David A. Secombe not being present in court, as the said judges rose to leave the court room after having fixed the adjournment day for holding said court, one of the said judges delivered to the undersigned clerk the said order in writing, directing the same to be entered of record as the order of said court, and the said court was thereupon immediately adjourned to the 15th day of July then next. And no further or other order whatever in relation to the subject matter of the said order was made at the said term.


In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at St. Paul, this 7th day of May, A. D. 1856.

George W. Prescott, Clerk.


The United States ex relatione David A. Secombe v. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Minnesota Territory.

To the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Minnesota:

Please to take notice, that I shall move the Supreme Court of the United States, on Friday of the first week of the next term thereof, to be held at the Capitol in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on the first Monday of December next, at the going in of the court, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for a rule, or order, upon the judges of the Territory of Minnesota, requiring them to vacate, annul, an order made by that court on the 5th day of February, 1856, removing David A. Secombe from his office as attorney and counsellor of said court and of the District Courts of said Territory, or show cause before the said Su-