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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/106

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Pre-emptions to Settlers on the Public Lands. An act to revive the act entitled “An act to grant pre-emption rights to settlers on the public lands,” approved May twenty-nine, one thousand eight hundred and thirty.June 19, 1834.
Vol. Ⅳ. 678
Pre-emption Rights in Louisiana. An act in reference to pre-emption rights in the south-eastern district of Louisiana.June 28, 1834
Vol. Ⅳ. 708
Pre-emption Rights. An act to grant pre-emption rights to the settlers on the public lands.June 25, 1838.
Vol. Ⅴ. 251
Pre-emption Rights to Settlers on the Public Lands. An act supplemental to the act entitled “An act to grant pre-emption rights to the settlers on the public lands,” approved June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight.June 1, 1840.
Vol. Ⅴ. 382
Proceeds of the Public Lands and Pre-emption Rights. An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant pre-emption rights.Sept. 4, 1841.
Vol. Ⅴ. 453
Dubuque Claim, Iowa Territory. An act to grant pre-emption rights to the settlers on the “Dubuque Claim,” so called, in the territory of Iowa.Aug. 16, 1842.
Vol. Ⅴ. 507
Patents for Lands entered under Pre-emption Rights. An act to confirm the sale of public lands in certain cases.Aug. 26, 1842.
Vol. Ⅴ. 534
Titles under New Madrid Locations and Pre-emptions. An act to perfect the titles to land south of the Arkansas river, held under New Madrid locations, and pre-emption rights under the act of one thousand eight hundred and fourteen [fifteen].March 1, 1843.
Vol. Ⅴ. 603
Entry of Lands occupied by Branch Pilots of the Port of New Orleans. An act to authorize the entry of certain lands, occupied by the branch pilots of the port of New Orleans, and others, in the State of Louisiana.June 17, 1844.
Vol. Ⅴ. 715


Galliopolis, Lands granted to the French Inhabitants. An act to authorize a grant of lands to the French inhabitants of Galliopolis, and for other purposes therein mentioned.March 3, 1795.
Vol. Ⅰ. 442
Grant of Land to the State of Mississippi. An act to provide for a grant of land for the seat of government in the State of Mississippi, and for the support of a seminary of learning within the State.(Obsolete.)Feb. 20, 1819.
Vol. Ⅲ. 485
State of Indiana. An act respecting the location of certain sections of land to be granted for the seat of government in the State of Indiana.(Obsolete.)March 3, 1819.
Vol. Ⅲ. 516
School Lands in Indiana. An act authorizing the location of certain school lands in the State of Indiana.(Obsolete.)May 7, 1822.
Vol. Ⅲ. 686
Sale of certain Public Lots in Ohio. An act vesting in the commissioners of the counties of Wood and Sandusky, the right to certain lots in the towns of Perrysburg and Croghansville, in the State of Ohio, for county purposes.May 7, 1822.
Vol. Ⅲ. 696
Lands granted to the State of Missouri for Education, &c. An act concerning the lands to be granted to the State of Missouri for the purpose of education, and other public uses.March 3, 1823.
Vol. Ⅲ. 787
Land granted for the Seat of Government in Florida. An act providing for a grant of land for the seat of government in the territory of Florida, and for other purposes.May 24, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 30
Sale of Lands in Ohio. An act to authorize the State of Ohio to sell and convey certain tracts of land granted to said State for the use of the people thereof.Dec. 28, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 79
The Legislature of Ohio authorized to sell Lands appropriated for the Use of Schools. An act to authorize the Legislature of the State of Ohio to sell the lands heretofore appropriated for the use of schools in that State.(Obsolete.)Feb. 1, 1826.
Vol. Ⅳ. 138
Lands for the Support of Schools. An act to appropriate lands for the support of schools in certain townships and fractional townships, not before provided for.May 20, 1826.
Vol. Ⅳ. 179
Seminary of Learning in Michigan. An act concerning a seminary of learning in the territory of Michigan.Map 20, 1826.
Vol. Ⅳ. 180