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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/147

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Specific duties on certain enumerated articles.

  • On all distilled spirits of Jamaica proof, imported from any kingdom or country whatsoever, per gallon, ten cents.
  • On all other distilled spirits, per gallon, eight cents.
  • On molasses, per gallon, two and a half cents.
  • On Madeira wine, per gallon, eighteen cents.
  • On all other wines, per gallon, ten cents.
  • On every gallon of beer, ale or porter in casks, five cents.
  • On all cider, beer, ale or porter in bottles, per dozen, twenty cents.
  • On malt, per bushel, ten cents.
  • On brown sugars, per pound, one cent.
  • On loaf sugars, per pound, three cents.
  • On all other sugars, per pound, one and a half cents.
  • On coffee, per pound, two and a half cents.
  • On cocoa, per pound, one cent.
  • On all candles of tallow, per pound, two cents.
  • On all candles of wax or spermaceti, per pound, six cents.
  • On cheese, per pound, four cents.
  • On soap, per pound, two cents.
  • On boots, per pair, fifty cents.
  • On all shoes, slippers or goloshoes made of leather, per pair, seven cents.
  • On all shoes or slippers made of silk or stuff; per pair, ten cents.
  • On cables, for every one hundred and twelve pounds, seventy-five cents.
  • On tarred cordage, for every one hundred and twelve pounds, seventy-five cents.
  • On untarred ditto, and yarn, for every one hundred and twelve pounds, ninety cents.
  • On twine or packthread, for every one hundred and twelve pounds, two hundred cents.
  • On all steel unwrought, for every one hundred and twelve pounds, fifty-six cents.
  • On all nails and spikes, per pound, one cent.
  • On salt, per bushel, six cents.
  • On manufactured tobacco, per pound, six cents.
  • On snuff, per pound, ten cents.
  • On indigo, per pound, sixteen cents.
  • On wool and cotton cards, per dozen, fifty cents.
  • On coal, per bushel, two cents.
  • On pickled fish, per barrel, seventy-five cents.
  • On dried fish, per quintal, fifty cents.

On teas imported from India or China. On all teas imported from China or India, in ships built in the United States, and belonging to a citizen or citizens thereof, or in ships or vessels built in foreign countries, and on the sixteenth day of May last wholly the property of a citizen or citizens of the United States, and so continuing until the time of importation, as follows:

  • On bohea tea, per pound, six cents.
  • On all souchong, or other black teas, per pound, ten cents.
  • On all hyson teas, per pound, twenty cents.
  • On all other green teas, per pound, twelve cents.

On teas imported from Europe. On all teas imported from Europe in ships or vessels built in the United States, and belonging wholly to a citizen or citizens thereof, or in ships or vessels built in foreign countries, and on the sixteenth day of May last wholly the property of a citizen or citizens of the United States, and so continuing until the time of importation, as follows:

  • On bohea tea, per pound, eight cents.
  • On all souchong, and other black teas, per pound, thirteen cents.
  • On all hyson teas, per pound, twenty-six cents.
  • On all other green teas, per pound, sixteen cents.