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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/16

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Letter from Henry M. Watts, Esq., District Attorney of the United States.

"Philadelphia, December 8, 1843.

My Dear Sir: I have examined carefully the prospectus of the work you propose to publish, and am happy to find there is some one of sufficient capacity to undertake so useful and herculean a task.

"A complete edition of the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, and the Statutes of the United States, since the organization of the government, in the style, mode, and with the notes and appendix you contemplate, will undoubtedly be a most valuable acquisition, not only to Congress, the public officers, the judiciary, and the bar, but to the whole community."

Letter from Thomas Ewing, Esq., of Ohio.

"Washington, January 27, 1844.

Dear Sir: I have examined your prospectus for the publication of the Laws of the United States, with notes and references, and approve of your plan entirely.

"Such a publication is much needed by the legal profession, and I am satisfied that you will execute it with care and fidelity."

Letter from the Hon. Joseph L. Tillinghast, of Rhode Island.

My Dear Sir: I had the pleasure, this morning, to receive your letter, with a prospectus of your intended publication of an edition of the Laws of the United States.

"Such a work must prove highly acceptable, not only to the National and State Legislatures, the tribunals of justice, and the profession, but to the great numbers of the community who have occasion at times to look at the laws of the Union, and who are now obliged to expend much time and toil in looking for them.

"There are by no means a sufficient number of copies in the Library of Congress for the accommodation of the members.

"The subject of a new edition was before the Joint Library Committee of Congress at several times and on several suggestions, while I had the honour of being a member of the committee. All concurred in the necessity of the work; but differences of opinion existed as to the plan, and as to the auspices or direction under which it should be accomplished.

"I have looked carefully at the plan detailed in your prospectus; and as to all that relates to the matter to be comprised, and the arrangement and designation of that matter, I do not believe a better could be adopted."

Letter from the Hon. Isaac H. Bronson, Judge of the Supreme Court of Florida.

"Newnansville, East Florida, December 20, 1843.

My Dear Sir: I have examined your notice or plan of this new work with much satisfaction. Such a work is much needed, and I think cannot fail to meet with the ready approbation of the bench and the bar throughout the country, as well as all public men or officers in any way connected with the execution or administration of the laws of the United States.

"The plan of the work seems to be calculated to render it very perfect."

Letter from the Hon. Andrew T. Judson, District Judge of Connecticut.

Canterbury, Connecticut, March 4, 1844.

"I have received and examined with care your prospectus of a work entitled 'the Statutes of the United States at large,' and permit me to say, that a work of that description is very much needed. If executed in the manner you propose, a great favour will be conferred on the public, and I have no doubt it will be universally acknowledged. Its convenience and benefit will be incalculable to the profession.

"I hope you will not only be encouraged to progress with the work, but find from all quarters an ample reward."