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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/162

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the port or district where the same shall arrive, of all such goods, wares and merchandise, specifying the number of packages, and the marks, numbers and contents of each (or if in bulk, the quantity and quality) together with an account of the nett prime cost thereof; and shall moreover produce to the collector, the original invoice or invoices, together with the bills of loading; and the said collector shall estimate and endorse the duties on the said entry, the party making such entry and take an oath to the truth thereof. taking an oath or affirmation, that it contains the whole of the goods, wares and merchandise imported by him, or to him consigned in such ship or vessel, which shall then have come to his knowledge, and that the said invoice contains, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the nett prime cost thereof, and that if he shall afterwards discover any other, or greater quantity than is contained in such entry, he will make due report and entry thereof; and the said oath or affirmation shall be administered by the collector, and the entry shall be subscribed by the person making the same. Provided, That in all cases where the party making entry shall reside ten miles or upwards from such port, the affidavit or affirmation of such party, taken before a justice of the peace, and by him endorsed on the original invoices, shall be as effectual as if administered and endorsed by the collector.

All entries to be examined and countersigned by the naval officer. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That all such entries so authenticated by the collector, together with a copy of the same made out by the party, shall, before any permit is granted for the landing of any goods, wares or merchandise therein contained, be examined by the naval officer (where such officer is established), who shall countersign the same, and retaining one, shall return the other certified to the party, together with the bills of lading, and invoice or invoices; and on such certified entries being returned to the collector, and the duties thereon paid or secured to be paid, he shall grant a permit for the unlading and landing the goods, wares and merchandise therein mentioned. And at such ports for which no naval officer is appointed, the collector shall grant like permits for the unlading and landing of all such goods as shall be so entered, and the duties thereof paid or secured.

Inspectors to be appointed.

Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the collector, naval officer and surveyor, of any port of entry or delivery, at which any ship or vessel may arrive, to put on board such ship or vessel one or more inspectors, who shall make known to the person having charge of such ship or vessel, the duties he is to perform by virtue of this act;Their duty. and such inspector shall suffer no goods, wares or merchandise, to be delivered without a permit from the proper officer, authorizing the same; and shall enter in a book to be by him kept for that purpose, the contents of each permit, specifying the marks and numbers of each package, and a description thereof, with the name of the person to whom such permit was granted; and if at the expiration of fifteen working days after such ship or vessel shall begin to unload her cargo, there shall be found on board, any goods, wares or merchandise, the said inspector shall take possession thereof, and deliver them to the collector of the district, or to such person as he shall authorize or appoint on his behalf to receive the said goods, taking his receipt for the same, and giving a certificate to the person having command, describing the packages, with their marks and numbers so taken: and as soon as any ship or vessel is entirely unladen, he shall with the collector and naval officer, compare the account and entries he has made of the goods unladen from such ship or vessel, with the manifest delivered to the collector, and if it appears that there are more goods than are specified in the said manifest, the same shall be endorsed thereon, with a description of the packages, their marks and numbers, or of such goods as may be in bulk, and the same shall be subscribed by such inspector, who is hereby directed to remain on board the said ship or vessel until