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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/180

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celled, and such ship or vessel shall be registered anew by her former name, and a certificate thereof shall be granted by the collector, in like manner as is herein before directed.

A recital of certificate to be made in instruments of transfer. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That whenever any such ship or vessel shall in whole or in part be sold or transferred to any person or persons, the certificate of the registry of every such ship or vessel, shall be recited at length in the instrument of transfer or sale thereof, and in default thereof, such instrument of sale or transfer shall be void, and such ship or vessel shall not be deemed or denominated a ship or vessel entitled to any of the benefits or advantages of a ship or vessel of the United States.

Master of a vessel being changed, collector shall endorse it on certificate. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That whenever the master or other person having the charge or command of any ship or vessel registered in manner herein before directed, shall be changed, the master or owner of such ship or vessel shall deliver to the collector of the district where such change shall take place, the certificate of registry of such ship or vessel, who shall thereon endorse and subscribe a memorandum of such change, and forthwith give notice of the same to the collector of the district where such ship or vessel was last registered pursuant to this act, who shall likewise make a memorandum of the same in the book of registers, and transmit a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Treasury.

In cases of loss of certificate, the master to make oath. Sec. 13. And be further enacted, That if the certificate of registry of any ship or vessel shall be lost or destroyed, the master or other person having charge of the said ship or vessel, may make oath or affirmation before the collector of the district where such ship or vessel may arrive, who is hereby authorized to administer the same in the words and form following:

Form of the oath.“I, being master, or having charge of the ship or vessel called the do swear or affirm, that the said ship or vessel hath been, as I verily believe, registered according to law by the name of and that a certificate thereof was granted at the port of but that the same is lost or destroyed (as the case may be) and that the same, if found again, and comes again within my power, shall be delivered up to the collector of the port where it was granted; and that the master of said ship or vessel is a citizen of the United States; and that the said ship or vessel is, as I believe, the entire property of a citizen or citizens of the United States; and that no foreigner has, to my knowledge and belief, any property or interest therein:” and the said oath or affirmation shall be filed in the office of the said collector before whom it was made, Collector to register the vessel anew by her former name. who is hereby required to register the said vessel anew by her former name, and take the security in manner herein before directed, and deliver the certificate of such registry to the owner or owners, if residing within his district, or if not resident there, to the master or other person having charge of said ship or vessel, that such certificate of registry is granted in pursuance of this act, instead of a former certificate of registry, which appears by such proof as this act requires, to be lost; and such certificate of registry shall have the same effect with the original, and the said collector shall, within three months, transmit a duplicate of the said certificate to the Secretary of the Treasury, to be registered in his office, who shall notify the collector who granted the certificate which was lost or destroyed, of the same, who is hereby required to cause a memorandum thereof to be made in his book of registers.

Registered ships or vessels being altered, to be registered anew.

Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That if any ship or vessel, after having been registered in pursuance of this act, shall in any manner whatever, be altered in form or burthen, by being lengthened or built upon, or from one denomination to another, by the mode or method of rigging or fitting, in such case, such vessel shall be registered anew by her former name in manner herein before directed, as soon as she re-