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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/185

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Arriving at the district to which bound, must deliver a manifest, make oath, and receive a permit. Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That the master of every ship or vessel of the burthen of twenty tons or upwards, licensed to trade as aforesaid, not having on board rum or other ardent spirits, exceeding four hundred gallons, and arriving from one district to another in the same state, or from a district in one state to a district in the next adjoining state, with goods, wares or merchandise, of the growth or manufacture of the United States only, shall, within twenty-four hours, Sundays excepted, next after his arrival at any place or port where a collector or surveyor resides, and before any part of the cargo on board such ship or vessel be landed or unloaded, deliver to such collector or surveyor a manifest thereof, and shall make oath or affirmation before such collector or surveyor, that such manifest contains a true account of all the goods, wares and merchandise on board such ship or vessel, and thereupon shall receive from such collector or surveyor a permit to land or unload the same.

In all other cases master of licensed vessel to deliver a manifest and permit from the collector or surveyor where the cargo was taken on board. Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That in all other cases the master of every vessel of the burthen of twenty tons or upwards, licensed to trade as aforesaid, shall within twenty four hours, Sundays excepted, next after his arrival at any port or place within the United States, where a manifest and collector or surveyor resides, and before any part of the cargo on board any such ship or vessel be landed or unloaded, deliver to such collector or surveyor the manifest thereof authenticated before and received from the collector or surveyor of the port or place where the said cargo was taken on board, together with his permit to depart from the place of lading, whereupon it shall be the duty of such collector or surveyor to grant a permit to land or unload such cargo.

Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That if the master of any ship or vessel, of the burthen of twenty tons or upwards, licensed to trade as aforesaid, and having on board goods, wares or merchandise, of the value of two hundred dollars or upwards, shall depart with the said ship or vessel from any port, with intent to go to another district, without such manifest and permit, except as is herein after provided, the master or owner of such ship or vessel Penalty on departing without manifest and permit. shall forfeit and pay the sum of four hundred dollars for every such offence; and all goods, wares and merchandise, of the value of two hundred dollars or upwards, which shall be found on board any such ship or vessel after her departure from the port where the same were taken on board, without being contained in, and accompanied with such manifest as is herein before directed, except as is herein after excepted, shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture.

Proviso. Provided always, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to subject the master or owner of any ship or vessel licensed to trade as aforesaid, having on board goods, wares and merchandise of the growth and manufacture of the United States only, rum and other ardent spirits exceeding four hundred gallons, excepted, and bound from district to district in the same state, or from a district in one state to a district in the next adjoining state, to any penalty for having departed from the port of loading without such permit and manifest, or to subject the said goods on board such ship or vessel to seizure or forfeiture, in case they are not accompanied with a manifest as aforesaid.

Master of a licensed vessel bound to a foreign port must deliver up his license.

Sec. 30. And be it further enacted, That if any ship or vessel having a license to trade or fish, for one year, shall within that time be destined to any foreign port, the master or commander of every such ship or vessel shall, before he departs from the United States, deliver such license to the collector of the port from whence he intends to depart; and it shall be the duty of such collector forthwith to transmit the license to him so delivered, to the collector of the district where the same was granted, who shall thereupon cancel every license; and if any master or commander shall neglect or refuse to deliver up such license