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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/26

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Militia of the United States.An act directing a detachment from the militia of the United States.(Expired.)May 9, 1794.
Light-house on Cape Hatteras and Beacon on Shell Castle.An act to erect a light-house on the head-land of Cape Hatteras; and a lighted beacon on Shell Castle Island in the Harbour of Occacock in the State of North Carolina.May 13, 1794.
Light-house on the Island of Seguin, and Beacon and Buoys in Saint Mary’s River.An act for erecting a lighthouse on the Island of Seguin in the district of Maine, and for erecting a beacon and placing three buoys at the entrance of Saint Mary’s river in the State of Georgia.May 19, 1794.
Adjournment of the Circuit Courts.An act further to authorize the adjournment of the Circuit Courts.May 19, 1794.
Prohibition of the Exportation of Arms and Ammunition, and encouraging the Importation.An act prohibiting for a limited time the exportation of arms and ammunition, and encouraging the importation of the same.(Obsolete.)May 22, 1794.
Insolvent Debtors.An act to continue in force the act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt.(Repealed and Supplied.)May 30, 1794.
Session of Congress.An act to alter the time for the next annual meeting of Congress.(Obsolete.)May 30, 1794.
Debt of the United States.An act further extending the time for receiving on loan the domestic debt of the United States.(Obsolete.)May 30, 1794.
Debt of the United States, Interest on Balances due to certain States.An act making provision for the payment of the interest on the balances due to certain States, upon a final settlement of the accounts between the United States and the individual States.(Obsolete.)May 31, 1794.
Debt of the United States to the Bank of the United States.An act providing for the payment of the second instalment due on a loan made of the Bank of the United States.(Obsolete.)June 4, 1794.
Embargoes.An act to authorize the President of the United States to lay, regulate, and revoke embargoes.(Expired.)une 4, 1794.
Drawback and Terms of Credit in certain Cases extended, &c.An act for extending the benefit of a drawback and terms of credit in certain cases, and for other purposes.(Obsolete.)June 14, 1794.
Duties on Carriages.An act laying duties upon carriages for the conveyance of persons.(Repealed.)June 5, 1794.
Galleys to be purchased or built, &c. An act to authorize the President of the United States, during the recess of the present Congress, to cause to be purchased or built a number of vessels to be equipped as galleys or otherwise in the service of the United States.(Obsolete.)June 5, 1794.
Expenses of the Commissioners of Loans.An act authorizing a settlement of certain expenses of the commissioners of loans.(Obsolete.)June 5, 1794.
Duties on Licenses for selling Wines and foreign distilled spirituous liquors by retail.An act laying duties on licenses for selling wines and foreign distilled spirituous liquors by retail.(Repealed.)June 5, 1794.
Collection of Duties on Foreign and Domestic distilled Spirits and Teas.An act making further provision for securing and collecting the duties on foreign and domestic distilled spirits, stills, wines, and teas.(Repealed.)June 5, 1794.
Punishment of certain Crimes.An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States.June 5, 1794.
Duties on Refined Sugar.An act laying certain duties upon snuff and refined sugar.(Repealed.)June 5, 1794.
Protection of the Frontiers of the United States.Allowances to Widows and Orphans.Pay and Rations of Troops.An act in addition to the act for making further and more effectual provision for the protection of the frontiers of the United States.(Obsolete.)June 7, 1794.
Additional Duties on Merchandise.An act laying additional Duties on goods, wares, and merchandise imported into the United States.(Obsolete.)June 7, 1794.
Compensation to Clerks in the Departments of State, Treasury, and War.An act allowing additional compensation to the principal clerks in the Department of State, and the Treasury and War Departments, for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four.(Obsolete.)June 7, 1794.