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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/302

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Statute ⅠⅠ.

August 10, 1790.

Chap. XXXIX.An Act making further provision for the payment of the debts of the United States.

Act of July 4, 1789, ch. 2.
Whereas, by an act, intituled “An act for laying a duty on goods, wares and merchandises imported into the United States,” divers duties were laid on goods, wares and merchandise so imported, for the discharge of the debts of the United States, and the encouragement and protection of manufactures: And whereas the support of government and the discharge of the said debts, render it necessary to increase the said duties:

From and after the first of December next, the present duties on certain specified articles to cease, and other duties imposed in lieu thereof.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the last day of December next, the duties specified and laid in and by the act aforesaid, shall cease and determine; and that upon all goods, wares and merchandise (not herein particularly excepted) which after the said day shall be brought into the United States, from any foreign port or place, there shall be levied, collected and paid the several and respective duties following, that is to say: Madeira wine of the quality of London particular, per gallon, thirty-five cents; other Madeira wine, per gallon, thirty cents; Sherry wine, per gallon, twenty-five cents; other wines, per gallon, twenty cents; distilled spirits, if more than ten per cent. below proof, according to Dycas’s hydrometer, per gallon, twelve cents; if more than five, and not more than ten per cent. below proof, according to the same hydrometer, per gallon, twelve and an half cents; if of proof, and not more than five per cent. below proof, according to the same hydrometer, per gallon, thirteen cents; if above proof, but not exceeding twenty per cent. according to the same hydrometer, per gallon, fifteen cents; if of more than twenty, and not more than forty per cent. above proof, according to the same hydrometer, per gallon, twenty cents; if of more than forty per cent. above proof, according to the same hydrometer, per gallon, twenty-five cents; molasses, per gallon, three cents; beer, ale and porter in casks, per gallon, five cents; beer, ale and porter in bottles, per dozen, twenty cents. Teas from China and India, in ships or vessels of the United States, bohea, per pound, ten cents; souchong and other black teas, per pound, eighteen cents; hyson, per pound, thirty-two cents; other green teas, per pound, twenty cents: Teas from Europe, in ships or vessels of the United States, bohea, per pound, twelve cents; souchong and other black teas, per pound, twenty-one cents; hyson, per pound, forty cents; other green teas, per pound, twenty-four cents: Teas from any other place, or in any other ships or vessels, bohea, per pound, fifteen cents; souchong and other black teas, per pound, twenty-seven cents; hyson, per pound, fifty cents; other green teas, per pound, thirty cents; coffee, per pound, four cents; cocoa, per pound, one cent; loaf sugar, per pound, five cents; brown sugar, per pound, one and an half cent; other sugar, per pound, two and an half cents; candles of tallow, per pound, two cents; candles of wax or spermaceti, per pound, six cents; cheese, per pound, four cents; soap, per pound, two cents; pepper, per pound, six cents; pimento, per pound, four cents; manufactured tobacco, per pound, six cents; snuff, per pound, ten cents; indigo, per pound, twenty-five cents; cotton, per pound, three cents; nails and spikes, per pound, one cent; bar and other lead, per pound, one cent; steel unwrought, per one hundred and twelve pounds, seventy-five cents; hemp, per one hundred and twelve pounds, fifty-four cents; cables, per one hundred and twelve pounds, one hundred cents; tarred cordage, per one hundred and twelve pounds, one hundred cents; untarred cordage and yarn, per one hundred and twelve pounds, one hundred and fifty cents; twine and pack thread, per one hundred and twelve pounds, three hundred cents; salt, per bushel, twelve cents; malt, per bushel, ten cents; coal,