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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/308

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hundred and fifty dollars, towards compensating the late loan officer of Pennsylvania, for his services in relation to the re-exchange of certificates granted by the state of Pennsylvania, in lieu of certificates of the United States; which several sums so included in the said sum of one hundred and four thousand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and twenty-two cents, are hereby authorized and granted: And the farther sum of fifty thousand dollars, towards discharging such demands on the United States, not otherwise provided for, as shall have been ascertained and admitted in due course of settlement at the treasury, and which are of a nature according to the usage thereof, to require payment in specie.

Approved, August 12, 1790.

Statute ⅠⅠ.
August 12, 1790.

Chap. XLVII.An Act making provision for the Reduction of the Public Debt.

Act of March 3, 1791, ch. 25.
Act of May 8, 1792, ch. 38.
It being desirable by all just and proper means, to effect a reduction of the amount of the public debt, and as the application of such surplus of the revenue as may remain after satisfying the purposes for which appropriations shall have been made by law, will not only contribute to that desirable end, but will be beneficial to the creditors of the United States, by raising the price of their stock, and be productive of considerable saving to the United States:

The surplus of the product of duties on goods and tonnage to December next, to be applied to the purchase of the public debt.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all such surplus of the product of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, and on the tonnage of ships or vessels to the last day of December next, inclusively, as shall remain after satisfying the several purposes for which appropriations shall have been made by law to the end of the present session, shall be applied to the purchase of the debt of the United States, at its market price, if not exceeding the par or true value thereof.

By whose direction purchases are to be made; andSec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the purchases to be made of the said debt, shall be made under the direction of the President of the Senate, the Chief Justice, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Attorney General for the time being; and who, or any three of whom, with the approbation of the President of the United States, shall cause the said purchases to be made in such manner, and under such regulations as shall appear to them best calculated to fulfill the intent of this act: Provided, That the same be made openly,in what manner. and with due regard to the equal benefit of the several states: And provided further, That to avoid all risk or failure, or delay in the payment of interest stipulated to be paid for and during the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, by the act, intituled “An act making provision for the debt of the United States,” such reservations shall be made of the said surplus as may be necessary to make good the said payments, as they shall respectively become due, in case of deficiency in the amount of the receipts into the treasury during the said year, on account of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, and the tonnage of ships or vessels, after the last day of December next.

The account of purchasing to be settled as other public accounts.
Report of proceedings to be laid before Congress.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That accounts of the application of the said monies shall be rendered for settlement as other public accounts, accompanied with returns of the amount of the said debt purchased therewith, at the end of every quarter of a year, to be computed from the time of commencing the purchases aforesaid: and that a full and exact report of the proceedings of the said five persons, or any three of them, including a statement of the disbursements and purchases made under their direction, specifying the times thereof, the prices at which, and the parties from whom the same may be made, shall be laid