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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/328

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and shall also give a certificateand a certificate given to the proprietor. to every such distiller of the quantity and particulars of such old stock in his or her possession, and a separate certificate for each cask, case or vessel describing the same, which certificate shall accompany the same wheresoever it shall be sent, and such distiller, his or her agent or manager, upon the sale and delivery of any of the said spirits shall deliver to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, the certificates or certificates that ought to accompany the same, on pain of forfeiting fifty dollars for each cask, case or vessel, with which such certificate shall not be delivered.

Importers of distilled spirits when to make entry thereof, and duty of the inspectors thereupon;Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That every importer of distilled spirits, who, on the first day of July next, shall have in his or her possession any distilled spirits, shall, within three days thereafter, make due entry thereof with the officer of inspection within whose survey the same shall then be; who shall mark the casks, vessels or cases containing such spirits, in like manner as is herein before directed touching such spirits as shall be in the possession of distillers on the first day of July next, and shall grant the like certificates therefor as for such spirits, which certificates shall accompany the respective casks, cases and vessels to which they shall relate, wheresoever they shall be sent, and such importer, his or her agent, upon the sale and delivery of any of the said spirits, shall deliver to the purchaser or purchasers thereof the certificate or certificates which ought to accompany the same, on pain of forfeiting fifty dollars for each cask, case or vessel with which such certificate shall not be delivered. penalty for neglecting to make such entries.And if any such importer or importers shall refuse or neglect to make such entry at the time and in the manner herein directed, all such spirits as shall not be so entered shall be forfeited, and the importer or importers in whose custody the same shall be found, shall moreover forfeit the sum equal to the full value thereof, according to the highest price of such spirits in the market.

Distilled spirits not branded nor accompanied by a certificate,Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That if any cask, case, or vessel containing distilled spirits, which by the foregoing provisions of this act, ought to be marked and accompanied with a certificate, shall be found in the possession of any person unaccompanied with such marks and certificate, it shall be presumptive evidence that the same are liable to forfeiture,liable to forfeiture. and it shall be lawful for any officer of inspection to seize them as forfeited; and if, upon the trial in consequence of such seizure, the owner or claimant of the spirits seized, shall not prove that the same were imported into the United States according to law, or were distilled as mentioned in the thirteenth and fourteenth sections of this act, and the duties thereupon paid, or were distilled at one of the stills mentioned in the twentieth section of this act, they shall be adjudged to be forfeited.

Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the officers of inspection of each survey at all times in the daytime, upon request, to enter into all and every the houses, store-houses, ware-houses, buildings and places which shall have been entered in manner aforesaid, and by tasting, gauging or otherwise, to take an account of the quantity, kinds and proofs of the said spirits therein contained; and also to take samples thereof, paying for the same the usual price.

Penalty for defacing marks on vessels.Sec. 30. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall rub out or deface any of the marks set upon any cask, vessel or case pursuant to the directions of this act, such person or persons shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars.

No vessels marked to be used for other spirits.Sec. 31. And be it further enacted, That no cask, barrel, keg, vessel or case, marked as “Old Stock,” shall be made use of by any distiller of spirits, for putting or keeping therein any spirits other than those which were contained therein when so marked, on pain of forfeiting the sum of one hundred dollars for every cask, barrel, keg, vessel or case wherein any such spirits shall be so put or kept; neither shall any