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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/330

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may take such minutes, memorandums, or transcripts thereof, as they may think fit. penalty for refusal or neglect.And if any such distiller shall neglect or refuse to keep such book or books, or to make such entries therein, or to show the same upon request, to the proper officer of inspection, or not return the same according to the directions of this act, he or she shall forfeit for every such refusal or neglect, the sum of one hundred dollars.

Penalties imposed by this act,
not to extend in certain cases.
Sec. 36. And be it further enacted, That the penalties by this act imposed on distillers for neglecting to make report to the inspectors, of their intentions of distilling spirits, or for neglecting to mark the houses, apartments or vessels to be employed, or for neglecting to enter in books the quantity of spirits distilled, shall not extend to any person who shall employ one still only, and that of a capacity not exceeding fifty gallons, including the still-head.

Proof of spirits how distinguished.Sec. 37. And be it further enacted, That the several kinds of proof herein before specified shall, in marking the casks, vessels and cases containing any distilled spirits, be distinguished, corresponding with the order in which they are mentioned, by the words “first proof”—“second proof”—“third proof”—“fourth proof”—“fifth proof”—“sixth proof.”Secretary of the Treasury to provide instruments for ascertaining them. And that it be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, to provide and furnish to the officers of inspection and of the customs, proper instruments for ascertaining the said several proofs.

Proceedings in case of seizures by officers of inspection.Sec. 38. And be it further enacted, That in any prosecution or action which may be brought against any supervisor or other officer of inspection, for any seizure by him made, it shall be necessary for such supervisor or officer to justify himself by making it appear that there was probable cause for making the said seizure; upon which, and not otherwise, a verdict shall pass in his favour. And in any such action or prosecution, or in any action or prosecution which may be brought against such supervisor or other officer, for irregular or improper conduct in the execution of his duty, the trial shall be by jury. And in any action for a seizure, in which a verdict shall pass for such officer, the jury shall nevertheless assess reasonable damages for any prejudice or waste (according to the true amount in value thereof) which shall be shown by good proof to have happened to the spirits seized, in consequence of such seizure; and also for the detention of the same, at the rate of six per cent. per annum, on the true value of the said spirits at the time of such seizure, from that time to the time of restoration thereof; which shall be paid out of the treasury of the United States: Provided,Damages for want of proper certificates, or negligence, to be sustained by the officers. That no damages shall be assessed when the seizure was made for want of the proper certificate or certificates, or by reason of a refusal to show any officer of inspection, upon his request, the spirits in any entered house, building or place: And provided also, That if it shall appear from the verdict of the jury, that any such prejudice or waste was sustained by the negligence of the officer, he shall be responsible therefor to the United States.

Penalty on supervisors, &c. convicted of oppression or extortion.Sec. 39. And be it further enacted, That if any supervisor or other officer of inspection, in any criminal prosecution against him, shall be convicted of oppression or extortion in the execution of his office, he shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court; and shall also forfeit his office.

No fees to be taken for certificates granted.Sec. 40. And be it further enacted, That no fee shall be taken for any certificate to be issued or granted pursuant to this act.

Penalty on officers for neglect of duty.Sec. 41. And be it further enacted, That if any of the said supervisors or other officers of inspection, shall neglect to perform any of the duties hereby enjoined upon them respectively, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, whereby any person or persons shall be injured or suffer damage, such person or persons shall and may have an action founded upon this act, against such supervisors or other officers,