Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/335

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charged upon proof that the spirits so exported, were taken by enemies or perished in the sea, or destroyed by fire; the examination and proof of the same being left to the judgment of the collector of the customs, naval officer, and chief officer of inspection, or any two of them, of the place from which such spirits shall have been exported. And in cases where the certificates herein directed cannot be obtained, the exporter or exporters of such spirits, shall nevertheless be permitted to offer such other proof as to the delivery of the said spirits, without the limits of the United States, as he or they may have;to be referred to comptroller of treasury, whose decision thereon shall be final. and if the same shall be deemed sufficient by the said collector, he shall allow the same, except when the drawback to be allowed, shall amount to one hundred dollars or upwards; in all which cases the proofs aforesaid shall be referred to the comptroller of the treasury, whose decision thereon shall be final.

President authorized to make allowance to supervisors, &c. for their services, out of the product of the duties,Sec. 58. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States from time to time, to make such allowances to the said supervisors, inspectors, and to the deputies and officers by them to be appointed and employed for their respective services in the execution of this act, to be paid out of the product of the said duties, as he shall deem reasonable and proper: Provided always, That the aggregate amount of the allowances to all the said supervisors, inspectors and other officers, shall not exceed seven per cent. of the whole product of the duties arising from the spirits distilled within the United States: And provided also,not to exceed $45,000 annually. That such allowance shall not exceed the annual amount of forty-five thousand dollars, until the same shall be further ascertained by law.

Commencement of this act.Sec. 59. And be it further enacted, That this act shall commence and take effect as to all matters therein contained, in respect to which no special commencement is hereby provided (except as to the appointment of officers and regulation of the districts and surveys) from and immediately after the last day of June next.

Nett product of duties pledged for payment of interest on loans;Sec. 60. And be it further enacted, That the nett product of the duties herein before specified, which shall be raised, levied and collected by virtue of this act, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be, and is hereby pledged and appropriated for the payment of the interest of the several and respective loans which had been made in foreign countries, prior to the fourth day of August last; and also upon all and every the loan and loans which have been and shall be made, and obtained pursuant to the act, intituled 1790, ch. 34.An act making provision for the debt of the United States;” and according to the true intent and meaning of the said act, and of the several provisions and engagements therein contained and expressed, and subject to the like priorities and reservations as are made and contained in and by the said act, in respect to the monies therein appropriated, and subject to this farther reservation, that is to say—Of the nett amount or product during the present year, of the duties laid by this act, in addition to those heretofore laid upon spirits imported into the United States, from any foreign port or place, and of the duties laid by this act on spirits distilled within the United States, and on stills; to be disposed of towards such purposes for which appropriations shall be made during the present session. And to the end that the said monies may be inviolably applied in conformityand to be inviolably applied thereto. to the appropriation hereby made, and may never be diverted to any other purpose until the final redemption, or reimbursement of the loans or sums for the payment of the interest whereof they are appropriated, an account shall be kept of the receipts and disposition thereof, separate and distinct from the product of any other duties, impost, excise, and taxes whatsoever, except those heretofore laid and appropriated to the same purposes.

Sec. 61. And be it further enacted, That the unappropriated surplus, if any there shall be, of the revenue arising under this act, at the end