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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/402

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be an accountantAccountant in the war department, his duty. to the department of war, who shall be charged with the settlement of all accounts relative to the pay of the army, the subsistence of officers, bounties to soldiers, the expenses of the recruiting service, the incidental and contingent expenses of the department; and who shall report from time to time,May 27, 1796. all such settlements as shall have been made by him, for the inspection and revision of the accounting officers of the treasury; and the said accountant shall also be charged with the settlement of all claims for personal service authorized by the act of this Congress of the twenty-seventh of March last, and of all military claims lodged in the late office of the paymaster general and commissioner of army accounts, which are not foreclosed by the acts of limitation of the late Congress, and he shall report from time to time, all such settlements as have been made by him, for the inspection and revision of the Comptroller of the Treasury. The compensation of the said accountantSalary. shall be a yearly salary of one thousand two hundred dollars.

Duty of the Treasurer of the U. S. herein.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer of the United States shall disburse all such monies as shall have been previously ordered for the use of the department of war by warrants from the treasury, which disbursements shall be made pursuant to warrants from the Secretary at War, countersigned by the accountant.

Paymaster of the troops, his duty.
1822, ch. 98.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there be a paymaster to reside near the head-quarters of the troops of the United States. That it shall be the duty of the said paymaster, to receive from the treasurer all the monies which shall be entrusted to him for the purpose of paying the pay, the arrears of pay, subsistence or forage, due to the troops of the United States. That he shall receive the pay abstracts of the paymasters of the several regiments or corps, and compare the same with the returns or muster rolls which shall accompany the said pay abstracts. That he shall certify accurately to the commanding officer, the sums due to the respective corps, which shall have been examined as aforesaid, who shall thereon issue his warrant on the said deputy paymaster, for the payment accordingly. That copies of all reports to the commanding officer, and the warrants thereon, shall be duly transmitted to the office of the accountant of the war department, in order to be there examined and finally adjusted at the treasury. To give bond.That the said paymaster shall give bond in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with two sufficient sureties, for the faithful discharge of his duty, and he shall take an oath faithfully to execute the duties of his office. That the compensation to the said paymasterHis salary. shall be sixty dollars monthly, with the same rations and forage as a major.

Assignment of pay by a soldier after 1st June next not valid.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That no assignment of pay made after the first day of June next, by a non-commissioned officer or private, shall be valid.

Contracts for supplying the army to be made under the Secretary of the Treasury.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all purchases and contracts for supplying the army with provisions, clothing, supplies in the quartermaster's department, military stores, Indian goods, and all other supplies or articles for the use of the department of war, be made by or under the direction of the treasury department.

To direct the collection of duties, &c.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct the superintendence of the collection of the duties on impost and tonnage as he shall judge best. That the present office of assistant to the Secretary of the Treasury, be abolished,Assistant Secretary abolished, and Commissioner of the Revenue substituted,
his duty.
and that instead thereof there be an officer in the department of the treasury, to be denominated Commissioner of the Revenue, who shall be charged with superintending, under the direction of the head of the department, the collection of the other revenues of the United States, and shall execute such other services, being conformable to the constitution of the department, as shall be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury. That the