than five tons, without a license, in manner as is provided by this act, such ship or vessel, if laden with goods the growth or manufacture of the United States only (distilled spirits excepted) or in ballast,To pay foreign duties. shall pay the same fees and tonnage in every port of the United States, at which she may arrive, as ships or vessels not belonging to a citizen or citizens of the United States, and if she have on board any articles of foreign growth or manufacture, or distilled spirits, other than sea-stores, the ship or vessel,Such ship or vessel to be forfeited. together with her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the lading found on board, shall be forfeited: Provided, however, if such ship or vessel be at sea, at the expiration of the time for which the license was given, and the master of such ship or vessel shall swear or affirm that such was the case, and shall also within forty-eight hours after his arrival deliver to the collector of the district in which he shall first arrive the license which shall have expired, the forfeiture aforesaid shall not be incurred, nor shall the ship or vessel be liable to pay the fees and tonnage aforesaid.
Collectors to number licenses.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the collector of each district shall progressively number the licenses by him granted, beginning anew at the commencement of each year, and shall make a record thereof in a book, to be by him kept for that purpose, and shall, once in three months,To transmit copies of licenses granted by him to the Register of the Treasury. transmit to the register of the treasury, copies of the licenses, which shall have been so granted by him; and also of such licenses, as shall have been given up or returned to him, respectively, in pursuance of this act. And where any ship or vessel shall be licensed, or enrolled anew, or being licensed or enrolled, shall afterwards be registered, or being registered, shall afterwards be enrolled, or licensed, she shall, in every such case, be enrolled, licensed or registered by her former name.
Vessels before proceeding on a foreign voyage failing to give up enrolment and obtain register.
To be forfeited.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That if any ship or vessel, enrolled or licensed, as aforesaid, shall proceed on a foreign voyage, without first giving up her enrolment and license, to the collector of the district comprehending the port, from which she is about to proceed on such foreign voyage, and being duly registered by such collector, every such ship or vessel, together with her tackle, apparel and furniture, and the goods, wares and merchandise, so imported therein, shall be liable to seizure and forfeiture: Provided always,Proviso. if the port, from which such ship or vessel is about to proceed on such foreign voyage, be not within the district, where such ship or vessel is enrolled, the collector of such district shall give to the master of such ship or vessel a certificate, specifying that the enrolment and license of such ship or vessel is received by him, and the time when it was so received; which certificate shall afterwards be delivered by the said master to the collector, who may have granted such enrolment and license.