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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/435

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not be included in the manifest exhibited by such master, shall be forfeited.

Collector of Pennsylvania may grant permits for transporting foreign goods to Maryland across the state of Delaware, and to Virginia.
Also to New York across New Jersey.
So also the collector of New York to goods to cross New Jersey, under what regulations.
Owner or consignee to report the same to the collector.
Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the collector of the district of Pennsylvania, to grant permits for the transportation of goods, wares or merchandise, of foreign growth or manufacture, across the state of New Jersey, to the district of New York, or across the state of Delaware, to any district in the state of Maryland or Virginia; and for the collector of the district of New York, to grant like permits for the transportation across the state of New Jersey; and for the collector of any district of Maryland or Virginia, to grant like permits for the transportation across the state of Delaware, to the district of Pennsylvania: Provided, That every such permit shall express the name of the owner, or person sending such goods, and of the person or persons, to whom such goods shall be consigned, with the marks, numbers and description of the packages, whether bale, box, chest or otherwise, and the kind of goods contained therein, and the date, when granted; and the owner, or person sending such goods, shall swear or affirm, that they were legally imported, and the duties thereupon paid or secured: And provided also, That the owner or consignee of all such goods, wares and merchandise, shall, within twenty-four hours after the arrival thereof, at the place to which they were permitted to be transported, report the same, to the collector of the district where they shall so arrive, and shall deliver up the permit accompanying the same, and if the owner or consignee aforesaid, shall neglect or refuse to make due entry of such goods, within the time, and in the manner, herein directed, all such goods, wares and merchandise shall be subject to forfeiture; and if the permit granted shall not be given up, within the time limited for making the said report, the person or persons to whom it was granted, neglecting or refusing to deliver it up, shall forfeit fifty dollars for every twenty-four hours it shall be withheld afterwards: Provided, That where the goods, wares and merchandise, to be transported in manner aforesaid, shall be of less value than eight hundred dollars, the said oath and permit shall not be deemed necessary, nor shall the owner or consignee be obliged to make report to the collector of the district where the said goods, wares and merchandise shall arrive.

Registered vessels employed in going from district to district subject to regulations in sec. 16 and 17 of this act.Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That when any ship or vessel of the United States, registered according to law, shall be employed in going from anyone district in the United States, to any other district, such ship or vessel, and the master or commander thereof, with the goods she may have on board, previous to her departure from the district, where she may be, and also, upon her arrival in any other district, shall be subject (except as to the payment of fees) to the same regulations, provisions, penalties and forfeitures, and the like duties are imposed on like officers, as is provided by the sixteenth and seventeenth sections of this act, for ships or vessels licensed for carrying on the coasting trade: Provided however,Proviso. that nothing herein contained, shall be construed to extend to registered ships or vessels of the United States, having on board goods, wares and merchandise of foreign growth or manufacture, brought into the United States in such ship or vessel from a foreign port, and on which the duties have not been paid or secured, according to law.

Duty of masters of ships licensed for carrying on the fishery, intending to touch at a foreign port.Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That when any ship or vessel, licensed for carrying on the fishery, shall be intended to touch and trade at any foreign port or place, it shall be the duty of the master, commander, or owner, to obtain permission for that purpose, from the collector of the district where such ship or vessel may be, previous to her departure, and the master or commander of every such ship or vessel, shall deliver like manifests, and make like entries, both of the ship or vessel, and of the goods, wares, or merchandise on board, within the