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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/456

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accordingly. And provided also, That when only one judge of the supreme court shall attend any circuit court and the district judge shall be absent, or shall have been of counsel, or be concerned in interest in any cause, then pending,1802, ch. 31. such circuit court may consist of the said judge of the supreme court alone.

Rule for giving judgment in circuit courts in certain cases.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if at any time only one judge of the supreme court, and the judge of the district shall sit in a circuit court, and upon a final hearing of a cause, or of a plea to the jurisdiction of the court, they shall be divided in opinion, it shall be continued to the succeeding court; and if upon the second hearing when a different judge of the supreme court shall be present, a like division shall take place, the district judge adhering to his former opinion, judgment shall be rendered in conformity to the opinion of the presiding judge.

Judges of supreme court may direct special sessions of circuit courts for trial of criminal causes.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the supreme court, or when the supreme court shall not be sitting, anyone of the justices thereof together with the judge of the district within which a special session as hereafter authorized shall be holden, may direct special sessions of the circuit courts to be holden for the trial of criminal causes, at any convenient place within the district, nearer to the place where the offences may be said to be committed, than the place or places, appointed by law for the ordinary sessions: Duty of clerk in such cases;That the clerk of such circuit court shall, at least thirty days before the commencement of such special session, cause the time and place for holding the same, to be notified for at least three weeks successively, in one or more of the newspapers published nearest to the place where the session is to be holden: That all process, writs and recognizances of every kind, whether respecting juries, witnesses, bail or otherwise, which relate to the cases to be tried at the said special sessions, shall be considered as belonging to such sessions, in the same manner as if they had been issued or taken in reference thereto: Such sessions may be adjourned.That any special session may be adjourned to any time or times previous to the next stated meeting of the circuit court: That all business depending for trial at any special court, shall at the close thereof be considered as of course removed to the next stated term of the circuit court: Privilege granted to district courts of Maine and Kentucky.And that the district courts of Maine and Kentucky, shall have like power to hold special sessions for the trial of criminal causes, as hath been heretofore given, or is hereby given to the circuit courts, subject to the like regulations and restrictions.

Bail for appearance by whom taken.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That bail for appearance in any court of the United States, in any criminal cause in which bail is by law allowed, may be taken by any judge of the United States, any chancellor, judge of a supreme or superior court, or chief or first judge of a court of common pleas of any state, or mayor of a city in either of them, and by any person having authority from a circuit court, or the district courts of Maine or Kentucky to take bail; which authority, revocable at the discretion of such court, any circuit court or either of the district courts of Maine or Kentucky, may give to one or more discreet persons learned in the law in any district for which such court is holden, where, from the extent of the district, and remoteness of its parts from the usual residence of any of the before named officers, such provision shall, in the opinion of the court, be necessary.—Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to extend to taking bail in any case where the punishment for the offence may be death; nor to abridge any power heretofore given by the laws of the United States, to any description of persons to take bail.

Writs of ne exeat by whom and when granted.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That writs of ne exeat and of injunction may be granted by any judge of the supreme court in cases where they might be granted by the supreme or a circuit court;[1] but

  1. The district judges of the courts of the United States have no authority to issue writs of ne exeat. Gomon v. Boecaline, 2 Wash. C. C. R. 130.