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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/462

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Appropriations for defraying certain specific demands.twenty dollars:—for defraying certain extra expenses of the doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, and for clerk hire, and allowance to witnesses attending the late committee appointed to inquire into the failure of the expedition under General St. Clair, four hundred dollars:—for paying the principal clerk to the secretary of the Senate, for his services, from the first of July to the fourth of November, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, one hundred and twenty-seven days, at three dollars per day, three hundred and eighty-one dollars:—for paying the same clerk for his services, for six months, over and above his former allowance, five hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents:—for six months additional pay to the engrossing clerk, three hundred and sixty-five dollars:—for extra services of the doorkeeper, during the present session, ninety-one dollars and fifty cents:—for defraying the expense attending the stating and printing the public accounts, in pursuance of the order of the House of Representatives, of the thirtieth of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars:—for paying the account of the trustees of Wilmington public grammar school and academy, two thousand five hundred and fifty-three dollars and sixty-four cents:—to make good so much deficient in the appropriation of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, for defraying the expenses of lighthouses, beacons, buoys and public piers, a sum not exceeding nine hundred and fifty-five dollars and sixty-six cents:—for building a lighthouse on Montok point, a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars:—for completing the lighthouse on Baldhead, at the mouth of Cape Fear river, two thousand dollars:—for the salaries of clerks, not exceeding three, to be employed in the office of the commissioner of the revenue, at the rate of five hundred dollars per annum, fifteen hundred dollars:—for defraying the expense of books and printing,1792, ch. 1.
1793, ch. 8.
incident to the acts for recording the registering of ships, or vessels, and enrolling and licensing vessels employed in the coasting trade, three hundred and fifty dollars.

Approved, March 2, 1793.

Statute Ⅱ.

March 2, 1793

Chap. ⅩⅩⅩⅠ.An Act making addition to the Compensation of certain Public Officers.

Additional annual allowance to certain officers of the Treasury.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be allowed to the Auditor of the Treasury, the sum of five hundred dollars; to the Commissioner of the Revenue, the sum of five hundred dollars; to the Comptroller of the Treasury, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and to the Register of the Treasury, 1799, ch. 38.
1792, ch. 37, sec. 6, 10.
the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, in addition to the compensation already allowed to them respectively, to commence on the first day of April next, payable in like manner as the present compensations are payable.

Approved, March 2, 1793.