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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/467

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herein before made, shall be paid and discharged out of the funds following, to wit:

First. The sum of six hundred thousand dollars, reserved by the act making provision for the debt of the United States:

Secondly. The surplus of revenue and income beyond the appropriations heretofore charged thereupon1790, ch. 34. to the end of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four.

Approved, March 14, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 20, 1794

Chap. Ⅶ.An Act making further provision for the expenses attending the intercourse of the United States with foreign nations; and further to continue in force the act intituled “An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations.”

Act of July 1, 1790, ch. 22.
Additional appropriations to support intercourse between United States and foreign nations.
1796, ch. 41.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a sum of one million of dollars, in addition to the provision heretofore made, be appropriated to defray any expenses which may be incurred, in relation to the intercourse between the United States and foreign nations, to be paid out of any monies, which may be in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, and to be applied, under the direction of the President of the United States, who, if necessary, is hereby authorized to borrow the whole or any part of the said sum of one million of dollars; an account of the expenditure whereof, as soon as may be, shall be laid before Congress.

Certain acts continued in force.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the act, intituled “An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations,” passed the first day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninety, together with the second section of the act, intituled 1790, ch. 22.
Act of Feb. 9, 1793, ch. 4.
An act to continue in force for a limited time, and to amend the act, intituled “An act providing the means of intercourse between the United States and foreign nations,” passed the ninth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, shall be continued in force, for the term of one year from the passing of this act, and from thence, until the end of the next session of Congress thereafter holden, and no longer.

Approved, March 20, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 20, 1794

Chap. Ⅷ.An Act authorizing a Loan of one million of Dollars.

President of United States authorized to borrow $1,000,000.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow, on the credit of the United States, if, in his opinion, the public service shall require it, a sum not exceeding one million of dollars, at an interest not exceeding five per centum per annum, reimbursable at the pleasure of the United States, to be applied to such public purposes, as are authorized by law, and to be repaid out of the duties on imports and tonnage to the end of the present year: And that it shall be lawful for the Bank of the United States, and the said bank hereby is authorized and empowered to make the loan aforesaid.

Approved, March 20, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 20, 1794

Chap. Ⅸ.An Act to provide for the Defence of certain Ports and Harbors in the United States.

Certain ports and harbors to be fortified.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following ports and harbors be fortified under the direction of the President