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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/511

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Forfeiture on neglect thereof.the guns, furniture, ammunition, tackle and apparel, and also the ship, vessel or boat, into which the said snuff or sugar shall be unshipped or put, after the unshipping thereof, together with her guns, furniture, ammunition, tackle and apparel, shall be forfeited, and may be seized by any officer of the customs or of inspection.

Bonds to be given, how discharged.Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That the bonds to be given, as aforesaid, shall, and may be discharged, by producing, within one year from the respective dates thereof (if the same shall be shipped to any part of Europe or America, and within two years, if shipped to any part of Asia or Africa; and if the delivery of the snuff or sugar, in respect to which the same shall have been given, be at any place, where a consul or other agent of the United States resides) a certificate of such consul or agent, or if there be no consul or agent, then a certificate of any two known and reputable American merchants residing at the said place; Proceedings to be had for discharging bonds.and if there be not two such merchants residing at the said place, then a certificate of any other two reputable merchants, testifying the delivery of the said snuff or sugar, at the said place. Which certificate shall, in each case, be confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the master and mate, or other like officer of the vessel, in which the said snuff or sugar shall have been exported; and when such certificate shall be from any other than a consul or agent, or merchants of the United States, it shall be a part of the said oath or affirmation, that there were not, upon diligent enquiry, to be found two merchants of the United States at the said place:Proviso. Provided always, That in case of death, the oath or affirmation of the party dying, shall not be deemed necessary: And provided further, That the said oath or affirmation, taken before the chief civil magistrate of the place, of the said delivery, and certified under his hand and seal, shall be of the same validity, as if taken before a person qualified to administer oaths within the United States; or such bonds shall and may be discharged, upon proof that the snuff or sugar, so exported, were taken by enemies, or perished in the sea, or destroyed by fire: The examination and proof of the same, being left to the judgment of the collector of the customs, naval officer, and chief officer of inspection, or any two of them, of the place from which such snuff or sugar shall have been exported. And in eases where the certificates herein directed cannot be obtained, the exporter or exporters of such snuff or sugar shall nevertheless be permitted to offer such other proof as to the delivery of the said snuff or sugar, without the limits of the United States, as he or they may have; and if the same shall be deemed sufficient by the said collector, he shall allow the same, except when the drawback to be allowed shall amount to one hundred dollars or upwards: In all which cases, the proofs aforesaid shall be referred to the Comptroller of the Treasury, whose decision thereon shall be final.

When and in what manner snuff and sugar may be exported directly, &c.Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful to export, directly from any manufactory of snuff or of refined sugar, to any foreign port or place, any snuff or refined sugar, which shall have been manufactured at such manufactory, after the said thirtieth day of September next, free from duty: Provided, That the same proceedings be had, in all respects, in order thereto, which are herein before prescribed, in order to the obtaining the benefit of the drawbacks of the duties which have been paid, or secured, upon any snuff or sugar, exported to a foreign port or place.

Distribution of penalties, &c. under this act.Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That all penalties and forfeitures, which shall be incurred, pursuant to this act, shall be divided and distributed one half thereof to the use of the United States, and the other half thereof to the use of the person who, if an officer of inspection, shall first discover, or if not an officer of inspection, shall first give information of the cause, matter or thing, whereby any of the said penalties or forfeitures shall have been incurred.