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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/527

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Specific appropriations, &c.militia of Maryland, fifty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and ninety-one cents:—For the pay, subsistence and forage of the militia of Virginia, one hundred and seventy-five thousand and seven dollars and five cents:—For the pay and subsistence of artificers and drivers of ordnance, two thousand seven hundred and thirty-four dollars:—For the pay and subsistence of the cavalry of Virginia, twenty-two thousand three hundred and ninety-seven dollars and sixteen cents:—For clothing, eighty-three thousand one hundred and forty dollars:—For camp equipage, twenty-eight thousand seven hundred and seventeen dollars:—For hospital stores, two thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars:—For military stores, thirty-four thousand one hundred dollars:—For the quartermaster’s and paymaster’s departments, three hundred and sixty-three thousand six hundred dollars:—For forage for the cavalry, thirty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-eight dollars.

for military establishment for 1795.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a sum not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, be appropriated towards defraying the expense of the military establishment, for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.

Out of what funds payable.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the several sums of money aforesaid, shall be paid and discharged out of the funds following, to wit:—First, the balance which may remain unexpended, of the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, reserved by the 1790, ch. 34.act making provision for the debt of the United States, after satisfying the appropriations made in the present session, for the support of government:—Secondly, the surplus of revenue and income beyond the appropriations heretofore charged thereupon, to the end of the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five.

Approved, December 31, 1794.

Statute Ⅱ.

Jan. 2, 1795

Chap. Ⅷ.An Act making appropriations for the support of Government for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety five.

Specific appropriations for support of government for 1795.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for defraying the expenditure of the civil list of the United States, for the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, together with the incidental and contingent expenses of the several departments and offices thereof, there be appropriated a sum of money not exceeding four hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-nine dollars and fifty-three cents; that is to say:

For the compensations granted by law to the President and Vice-President of the United States, thirty thousand dollars.

For the like compensations to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, their officers and attendants, estimated for a session of six months continuance, one hundred and eighty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars.

For the expenses of firewood, stationery, printing work and all other contingent expenses of the two Houses of Congress, nine thousand five hundred dollars.

For the compensations granted by law to the chief justice, associate judges, district judges and attorney-general, forty-three thousand two hundred dollars.

For defraying the expense of clerks of courts, jurors and witnesses, in aid of the fund arising from fines, forfeitures and penalties, twelve thousand dollars.

For defraying the expenses of prosecutions for offences against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, four thousand dollars.