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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/550

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manner heretofore directed, and in like manner, shall pay or secure the payment of the duties for such year.

Penalty on manufacturing snuff without license, &c.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That if after the first day of April next, any person shall carry on the business of manufacturing snuff, without a license for that purpose, according to this act, or shall carry on the same at or with any mill other than that mentioned in such license, such manufacturer, so offending, shall forfeit and pay upon every conviction of such offence, treble the yearly amount of the duty hereby charged upon the mill or mills wherein or whereby the said business shall be so carried on. Duties and penalties to be a lien upon mills.And all duties and penalties imposed by this act, shall attach to, and remain as a lien upon each and every mill in respect to which such duty or penalty shall have accrued, until the same be fully satisfied and paid.

Drawback of six cents on exporting snuff to a certain amount.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That upon all snuff, which, after the last day of March in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, shall be manufactured in the United States, and shall be exported therefrom, under the limitations and provisions herein after prescribed, the exporter or exporters thereof shall be entitled to a drawback of six cents per pound: Provided, That the quantity exported at any one time by the same person, shall amount to three hundred pounds.

Exporter to make entry,Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That in order to entitle the exporter or exporters of any snuff, to a drawback thereon, every such person shall, previous to the removal thereof, from the mill or warehouse, where the same may be, make out, in writing, an exact entry, in which shall be specified the outward packages, in which the same is intended to be exported, the name of the manufacturer, and the marks and numbers of each, the quantity of snuff in each package, and the number of bottles, canisters, bladders, or other packages containing the same, the name of the vessel and commander, in which such snuff is intended to be exported; and oath.and shall make oath or affirmation to the truth of such entry, that the snuff therein specified was manufactured in the United States, after the last day of March one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, and the name or names of the person by whom, and the mill where it was manufactured, and that the same is truly and bona fide intended to be exported out of the United States, and that no part thereof is intended to be relanded therein. Duty of collector thereon.And upon such entry being so made and certified, it shall be the duty of the collector to whom such entry is tendered to cause the said packages to be examined, and to permit the same to be exported, under the inspection of an officer of the customs, in like manner as is provided for the exportation of other goods, wares, and merchandise entitled to drawback: Provided,From what ports such snuff may be exported. That no drawback shall be allowed on any snuff, except the same shall be exported from any of the ports, at which ships or vessels from the Cape of Good Hope, or from any place beyond the same, are admitted to make entry.

Exporter to give bond.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That every exporter of snuff entitled to drawback shall enter into bonds, with one or more sureties, in an amount equal to double the amount of the drawback, conditioned that the same shall not be relanded within the United States; Master of vessel to make oath.and the master or commander of the ship or vessel in which such snuff is reported to be shipped, shall make oath or affirmation, that the packages specified in the outward entry, are actually laden on board his ship or vessel, and that the same, or any part thereof, shall not be relanded in the United States; and upon such oath or affirmation being made, and the other provisions of the act being complied with, the collector, with whom such entry is made, Debenture to be granted.shall grant a debenture or debentures, for the amount of the drawback to which such snuff is entitled, payable in twelve months from the time of granting the same; and such debenture or debentures shall be discharged by the collector granting the same, at the expiration of the term, out of any public money in his hands.