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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/553

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pork, one pound of bread or flour, half a gill of rum, brandy or whisky, and at the rate of one quart of salt, two quarts of vinegar, two pounds of soap, and one pound of candles, to every hundred rations; or the value thereof, at the contract price, where the same shall become due; and if, at such post, supplies are not furnished by contract, then such allowance, as shall be deemed equitable, having reference to former contracts, and the position of the place in question:

Additional rations to those employed in the military service of U. States on the western frontiers.Sec. 9. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That to those in the military service of the United States, who are, or shall be employed on the western frontiers, there shall be allowed, during the time of their being so employed, two ounces of flour or bread, and two ounces of beef or pork, in addition to each of their rations, and half a pint of salt in addition to every hundred of their rations.

Monthly pay of officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, on the military establishment of U. States.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the monthly pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates on the military establishment of the United States, be as follows; to wit: General Staff, a major general, one hundred and sixty-six dollars; a brigadier general, one hundred and four dollars; a quartermaster general, one hundred dollars; adjutant general, to do also the duty of inspector, seventy-five dollars; chaplain, fifty dollars; surgeon, seventy dollars; deputy quartermaster, fifty dollars; aid-de-camp, in addition to his pay in the line, twenty-four dollars; brigade major, to act also as deputy inspector, in addition to his pay in the line, twenty-four dollars; principal artificer, forty dollars; second artificer, twenty-six dollars; regimental lieutenant-colonel commandment, seventy-five dollars; major of artillery, and major of dragoons, fifty-five dollars; major of infantry, fifty dollars; paymaster, adjutant, and quartermaster, in addition to their pay in the line, ten dollars; captains, forty dollars; lieutenants, twenty-six dollars; ensigns and cornets, twenty dollars; surgeons, forty-five dollars; surgeon’s mates, thirty dollars; sergeant majors, and quartermaster sergeants, eight dollars; senior musicians, seven dollars; sergeants, seven dollars; corporals, six dollars; musicians, five dollars; privates, four dollars; artificers allowed to the infantry, light dragoons and artillery, nine dollars; matrons and nurses in the hospital, eight dollars.

Rations of commissioned officers.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the commissioned officers aforesaid shall be entitled to receive, for their daily subsistence, the following number of rations of provisions, to wit: a major general, fifteen rations; a brigadier general, twelve rations; a lieutenant-colonel commandant, and quartermaster general, each, six rations; a major, four rations; brigade major, and aid-de-camp, four rations; a captain, three rations; a lieutenant, ensign, or cornet, two rations; a surgeon, as well hospital as regimental, three rations; a surgeon’s mate, two rations; a deputy quartermaster, two rations; a principal, and second artificer, each, two rations; a chaplain, two rations; In lieu thereof money at the contract price.or money, in lieu thereof, at the option of the said officers, at the contract price, at the posts respectively, where the rations shall become due.

Monthly allowance of certain officers instead of forage, when it is not furnished by the public.Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the officers herein after described shall, whenever forage shall not be furnished by the public, receive, at the rate of the following enumerated sums, per month, instead thereof, to wit: the major general, twenty dollars; the brigadier general, sixteen dollars; lieutenant colonel, twelve dollars; quartermaster general, adjutant general and surgeon general, each, twelve dollars; major, ten dollars; aid-de-camp, brigade major, and surgeon, each, ten dollars; captain of cavalry, eight dollars; chaplain and surgeon’s mate, each, six dollars; deputy quartermaster, and subalterns of cavalry, each, six dollars; principal artificer, paymaster, adjutant, and regimental quartermaster, each, six dollars.

Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That if any officer, non-commissioned officer, private or musician aforesaid, shall be wounded or