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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/556

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interest which shall be payable upon the sums subscribed to the said loan and shall continue so pledged and appropriated, until the principal of the said loan shall be fully reimbursed and redeemed: Provided always,Proviso. That nothing herein contained shall be construed to alter, change, or in any manner affect, the provisions heretofore made concerning the said foreign debt, according to contract, either during the pendency of the said loan, or after the closing thereof; but every thing shall proceed, touching the said debt, and every part thereof, in the same manner as if this act had never been passed, except as to such holders thereof, as may subscribe to the said loan, and from the time of the commencement thereof in each case, that is, when interest on any sum subscribed shall begin to accrue.

Certain duties to continue to be collected.
Ante, p. 390.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the several and respective duties laid and contained in and by the act, intituled “An act laying additional duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported into the United States,” passed the seventh day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, shall, together with the other duties heretofore charged with the payment of interest on the public debt, continue to be levied, collected and paid, until the whole of the capital or principal of the present debt of the United States, and future loans which may be made, pursuant to law, for the exchange, reimbursement or redemption thereof, or of any part thereof, shall be reimbursed or redeemed, and shall be, and hereby are, pledged and appropriated for the payment of interest upon the said debt and loans, until the same shall be so reimbursed or redeemed.

Substitution of certain duties.
1790, ch. 47.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the reservation made by the fourth section of the aforesaid act, intituled “An act making provision for the reduction of the public debt,” be annulled, and in lieu thereof, that so much of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported, on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and upon spirits distilled within the United States, and stills, as may be necessary, be, and hereby are substituted, pledged and appropriated for satisfying the purpose of the said reservation.

Appropriations made to certain fund.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the following appropriations, in addition to those heretofore made, be made to the fund constituted by the seventh section of the act, intituled “An act supplementary to the act making provision for the debt of the United States,”1792, ch. 38.
March 2, 1791, ch. 11.
passed the eighth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, to be hereafter denominated “The Sinking Fund,” to wit: First, So much of the proceeds of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported; on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on spirits distilled within the United States and stills, as, together with the monies which now constitute the said fund, and shall accrue to it, by virtue of the provisions herein before made, and by the interest upon each instalment, or part of principal, which shall be reimbursed, will be sufficient, yearly and every year, commencing the first day of January next, to reimburse and pay so much as may rightfully be reimbursed and paid, of the principal of that part of the debt or stock, which, on the said first day of January next, shall bear an interest of six per centum per annum, redeemable by payments on account both of principal and interest, not exceeding, in one year, eight per centum, excluding that which shall stand to the credit of the commissioners of the sinking fund, and that which shall stand to the credit of certain states, in consequence of the balances reported in their favour, by the commissioners for settling accounts between the United States and individual states: Secondly,—The dividends, which shall be, from time to time, declared on so much of the stock of the Bank of the United States, as belongs to the United States (deducting thereout such sums, as will be requisite to pay interest on any part remaining unpaid of the loan of two millions of dollars, had of