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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/559

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Commissioners not to pay more for the unfunded domestic debt, than the market price of the funded.
Government may make different appropriations of the funds in a certain event.
ing fund, a right to pay, in the purchase or discharge of the unfunded domestic debt of the United States, a higher rate than the market price or value of the funded debt of the United States: And provided also, That if, after all the debts and loans aforesaid, now due, and that shall arise under this act, excepting the said debt or stock, bearing an interest of three per cent. shall be fully paid and discharged, any part of the principal of the said debt or stock bearing an interest of three per cent. as aforesaid, shall be unredeemed, the government shall have liberty, if they think proper, to make other and different appropriations of the said funds.

Priorities in appropriations for the payment of interest to cease, as to certain creditors.Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That all priorities heretofore established in the appropriations by law, for the interest on the debt of the United States, as between the different parts of the said debt, shall, after the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six, cease with regard to all creditors of the United States, who do not, before the expiration of the said period, signify, in writing, to the Comptroller of the Treasury, their dissent therefrom; and that thenceforth, with the exception only of the debts of such creditors who shall so signify their dissent, the funds or revenues charged with the said appropriations, shall, together, constitute a common or consolidated fund, chargeable indiscriminately, and without priority, with the payment of the said interest.

Certificates to be presented at the treasury;Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That all certificates, commonly called loan office certificates, final settlements, and indents of interest, which, at the time of passing this act, shall be outstanding, shall, on or before the first day of January, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, Post, 562.be presented at the office of the Auditor of the Treasury of the United States, for the purpose of being exchanged for other certificates of equivalent value and tenor, or at the option of the holders thereof, respectively, to be registered at the said office, and returned; in which case, it shall be the duty of the said Auditor to cause some durable mark or marks to be set on each certificate, which shall ascertain and fix its identity, and whether genuine, or counterfeit or forged; and every of the said certificates, which shall not be presented at the said office, within the said time, or be barred.shall be forever after barred or precluded from settlement or allowance.

Condition annexed to the transfer of stock standing to the credit of a state.
Ante, p. 409.
Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That if any transfer of stock standing to the credit of a state, shall be made pursuant to the act, intituled “An act authorizing the transfer of the stock standing to the credit of certain states,” passed the second day of January, in this present year, after the last day of December next, the same shall be upon condition, that it shall be lawful to reimburse, at a subsequent period of reimbursement, so much of the principal of the stock so transferred, as will make the reimbursement thereof, equal in proportion and degree, to that of the same stock transferred previous to the said day.

Sum of money appropriated, but remaining unexpended, for a certain time, to be carried to the “surplus fund.”Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That in regard to any sum which shall have remained unexpended upon any appropriation other than for the payment of interest on the funded debt; for the payment of interest upon, and reimbursement, according to contract, of any loan or loans made on account of the United States; for the purposes of the sinking fund; or for a purpose, in respect to which, a longer duration is specially assigned by law, for more than two years after the expiration of the calendar year in which the act of appropriation shall have been passed, such appropriation shall be deemed to have ceased and been determined; and the sum so unexpended shall be carried to an account on the books of the treasury, to be denominated “The Surplus Fund.” But no appropriation shall be deemed to have so ceased and been determined, until after the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, unless it shall appear to the Secretary of the Treasury, that the object thereof hath been fully satisfied, in which case, it shall be lawful for him