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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/590

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Mode of payment, and of obtaining a patent, &c.remaining due, the time when such balance becomes payable; and that the whole land sold will be forfeited, if the said balance is not then paid; but that if it shall be duly discharged, the purchaser, or his assignee, or other legal representative, shall be entitled to a patent for the said lands: And on payment of the said balance to the treasurer, within the specified time, and producing to the Secretary of State a receipt for the same, upon the aforesaid certificate, the President of the United States is hereby authorized to grant a patent for the lands to the said purchaser, his heirs or assigns: 1812, ch. 68, sec. 8.
1836, ch. 352, sec. 6.
And all patents shall be countersigned by the Secretary of State, and recorded in his office. But if there should be a failure in any payment, the sale shall be void, all the money theretofore paid on account of the purchase shall be forfeited to the United States, and the lands thus sold shall be again disposed of, in the same manner as if a sale had never been made: Provided nevertheless, that should any purchaser make payment of the whole purchase money, at the time when the payment of the first moiety is directed to be made, he shall be entitled to a deduction of ten per centum on the part, for which a credit is hereby directed to be given; and his patent shall be immediately issued.

Entries to be made of the date of sales &c.Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury, and the governor of the territory north west of the river Ohio, shall respectively, cause books to be kept, in which shall be regularly entered, an account of the dates of all the sales made, the situation and numbers of the lots sold, the price at which each was struck off, the money deposited at the time of sale, and the dates of the certificates granted to the different purchasers. Governor or Secretary to transmit copies at certain times.The governor, or secretary of the said territory shall, at every suspension or adjournment, for more than three days, of the sales under their direction, transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury, a copy of the said books, certified to have been duly examined and compared with the original. Tracts sold to be noted on the general plat.And all tracts sold under this act, shall be noted upon the general plat, after the certificate has been granted to the purchaser.

Navigable rivers to be public highways.
Streams not navigable, to be common property.
Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That all navigable rivers, within the territory to be disposed of by virtue of this act, shall be deemed to be, and remain public highways: And that in all cases, where the opposite banks of any stream, not navigable, shall belong to different persons, the stream and the bed thereof shall become common to both.

Compensation of Surveyor Gen.
President to fix compensation of assistant surveyors.
Expense not to exceed three dollars for every mile surveyed.
Regulation of fees to be paid.
Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the surveyor general shall receive for his compensation, two thousand dollars per annum; and that the President of the United States may fix the compensation of the assistant surveyors, chain carriers and axe men: Provided, that the whole expense of surveying and marking the lines, shall not exceed three dollars per mile, for every mile that shall be actually run or surveyed.

Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the following fees shall be paid for the services to be done under this act, to the treasurer of the United States, or to the receiver in the western territory, as the case may be; for each certificate for a tract containing a quarter of a township, twenty dollars; for a certificate for a tract containing six hundred and forty acres, six dollars; and for each patent for a quarter of a township, twenty dollars; for a section of six hundred and forty acres six dollars: And the said fees shall be accounted for by the receivers respectively.

Oath to be taken by the Surveyor General, &c.
The person to be appointed to receive the money in the western territory to give bond, &c.
Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the surveyor general, assistant surveyors, and chain carriers, shall, before they enter on the several duties to be performed under this act, severally take an oath or affirmation, faithfully to perform the same; and the person, to be appointed to receive the money on sales in the western territory, before he shall receive any money under this act, shall give bond with sufficient security,