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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/602

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Change of ownership.said certificate was granted, is owned by the person mentioned in such certificate, unless such certificate shall be produced to the officer of inspection, by whom it was granted; and an entry shall be thereon made, specifying the name of the then owner of such carriage, and the time when he or she became possessed of the same.

Provision for persons beginning to keep a carriage after the month of September.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That any and all persons, who shall commence the having or keeping of any carriage, subject to duties, after the month of September, and before the month of September in the next succeeding year, shall and may, at any time during the month in which they shall so commence the having or keeping of such carriage, make like entry, in manner before prescribed; and on payment of such proportion of the duties laid by this act, on such carriage, as the time, at which he shall commence the keeping of such carriage, to the end of the month of September then next ensuing, shall bear to the whole year, shall be entitled to, and may demand like certificates, subject, nevertheless, to the conditions before and herein after provided.

When duties shall be deemed to commence.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the duties payable by this act shall, in respect to any and all persons who shall have or keep carriages, during the month of September, be deemed to commence, and shall be computed from the last day of the said month: And in respect to persons, who shall commence the having or keeping of carriages, after the said month of September, the said duties shall be deemed to commence, and shall be computed, from the last day of the month in which they shall so begin to have or keep such carriages; conformably to which, the certificates before, and herein after mentioned, shall be issued and granted.

Penalty on making an untrue entry; or no entry; or not paying duties.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That any person having or keeping any carriage subject to duty, who shall make an untrue or defective entry, to evade the whole or any part of the duty justly and truly payable, according to this act, shall lose the sum paid pursuant to such untrue or defective entry; and where such untrue or defective entry hath been made, or where no entry shall be made, or where there shall be a neglect of payment after entry, such person shall, moreover, in addition thereto, at any time thereafter, on personal application and demand, at the house, dwelling, or usual place of abode of such person, by the proper officer of inspection, be liable, and shall pay the duties by this act imposed, with a further sum for the benefit of such officer, of twenty-five per centum: which duties, with the said addition, shall be collected by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the person, by whom the same shall be due and payable: Provided always,Proviso. that such application and demand shall not be made until sixty days after the day on which any duty shall commence; and if entry and payment shall be made, within the said sixty days, at the office of inspection of the district, or at any other place, where the inspector may happen to be, the owner of the carriage shall be exempted from the payment of the said sum of twenty-five per centum; Provided nevertheless, that if any person, of whom such application and demand shall be made, shall forthwith present to such officer of inspection, a full and exact description, of the carriage or carriages, on which the duties demanded shall have accrued, with a statement of the cause, matter or thing, whereby an entire exemption from duty is claimed, or whereby a right is claimed under this act, to a remission of a part of the sum demanded, such description and statement being first subscribed and verified on oath or affirmation, before some competent magistrate, by the person, by or for whom the same shall be presented; then and in such case, the officer of inspection shall receive such description and statement, and shall, furthermore, forbear to collect the duties and sum demanded.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the officers of inspection, who shall receive the statements and allegations of persons claiming