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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/611

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the credits for the same shall, from time to time, stand or be; subject to the like conditions and restrictions as are prescribed in and by the eighth section of the act last aforesaid.

How the power to borrow may be executed.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be deemed a good execution of the power to borrow, herein granted, for the said commissioners of the sinking fund, to cause to be constituted, certificates of stock of the description herein mentioned, and to cause the same to be sold in the United States, or elsewhere: Provided, That no more than one moiety of the said stock shall be sold under par: And it shall be lawful for the commissioners of the sinking fund, if they shall find the same to be most advantageous, to sell such and so many of the shares of the stock of the bank of the United States, belonging to the United States, as they may think proper; and that they apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of the said debts, instead of selling certificates of stock, in the manner prescribed in this act. And such of the revenues of the United States, heretofore appropriatedAppropriation for payment of the interest. for the payment of interest of debts, thus discharged, shall be, and the same are hereby pledged and appropriated, towards the payment of the interest, and instalments of the principal, which shall hereafter become due, on the loan obtained of the bank of the United States, pursuant to the eleventh section of the act for incorporating the subscribers to the said bank.

Funds appropriated for payment of interest and principal.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That such of the revenues of the United States, heretofore appropriated for the payment of interest on such debts as may be liberated or set free, by payments from the proceeds of the loan herein proposed, together with such further sums of the proceeds of the duties on goods, wares and merchandise imported; on the tonnage of ships or vessels; and upon spirits distilled in the United States, and stills; as may be necessary, shall be, and the same are hereby pledged and appropriated for the payment of the interest which shall be payable upon the sums subscribed to the said loan; and shall continue so pledged and appropriated, until the principal of the said loan shall be fully reimbursed and redeemed.

Principal irredeemable until the year 1819.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the principal of the said loan, bearing interest as aforesaid, shall remain fixed and irredeemable by the United States, until the close of the year one thousand eight hundred and nineteen; after which period, the said loan shall be redeemed, at the pleasure of the United States: and the funds which shall be liberated by the discharge of the stock of the United States, bearing a present interest of six per centum, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, shall be, and the same are hereby pledged and appropriated for the said redemption.

Duty of treasury department herein.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the department of the treasury, according to the respective duties of the officers thereof, shall, and they are hereby directed to establish such forms and rules of proceeding, touching the execution of this act, as shall be conformable with the provisions thereof.

Approved, May 31, 1796.

Statute Ⅰ.

June 1, 1796.

Chap. ⅩⅬⅤ.An Act providing Passports for the ships and vessels of the United States.

Act of March 22, 1803, ch. 16.
Passport formed by Secretary of State to be approved by the President.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, to prepare a form, which, when approved by the President, shall be deemed the form of a passport for ships and vessels of the United States.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That every ship and vessel of the United States, going to any foreign country, shall, before she departs from the United States, at the request of the master, be furnished by