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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/644

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out of which funds payable debtor states may expend under direction of the President, the sums due from them, provided they cede the lands.accounts between them and the respective states, to expend under his direction the sums respectively due from them in fortifying their ports and harbors; and the sums which may be so expended shall be passed to the credit of the said states, on account of the balances found and reported by the commissioners for settling the accounts between the United States and the individual states, to be due from the said states to the United States. Provided, the said states shall and do cede to the United States the lands or places on which such fortifications shall be so erected, in cases where the lands are the property of such states.

Approved, June 23, 1797.

Statute Ⅰ.

June 24, 1797

Chap. Ⅳ.An Act authorizing a detachment from the Militia of the United States.

80,000 militia to be held in readiness.Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and is hereby authorized to require of the executives of the several states, to take effectual measures, at such time as he shall deem necessary, to organize, arm and equip, according to law, and hold in readiness to march at a moment’s warning, the following proportions, respectively, of eighty thousand effective militia, officers included, to wit: Proportion of each state.From the state of Tennessee, eight hundred and six: from the state of Georgia, one thousand three hundred and thirty-four: from the state of South Carolina, three thousand five hundred and thirty-five: from the state of North Carolina, seven thousand two hundred and sixty-eight: from the state of Kentucky, one thousand five hundred and forty-two: from the state of Virginia, eleven thousand one hundred and fifty: from the state of Maryland, five thousand two hundred and sixty-two: from the state of Delaware, one thousand one hundred and sixty-eight: from the state of Pennsylvania, ten thousand six hundred and ninety-six: from the state of New Jersey, four thousand two hundred and eighty-six: from the state of New York, seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-three: from the state of Vermont, two thousand one hundred and fifty: from the state of Connecticut, five thousand eight hundred and sixty: from the state of Rhode Island, one thousand six hundred and twenty-six: from the state of Massachusetts, eleven thousand eight hundred and thirty-six: from the state of New Hampshire, three thousand five hundred and fifty-eight.

The President may authorize the state executives to receive independent corps.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President may, if he judges expedient, authorize the executives of the several states, to accept any independent corps of cavalry, artillery or infantry, as part of the detachments aforesaid, provided they shall voluntarily engage as corps in the service.

Limitation of service,Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said militia shall not he compelled to serve a longer time, in anyone tour, than three months, after their arrival at the place of rendezvous: and that, during the time of their service, the commissioned officers shall be entitled to the same pay and subsistence;
allowance for clothing.
pay and rations that are allowed by law, to officers of the same rank on the military establishment of the United States; and the non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, shall receive the pay and allowance for clothing, established by an act, entitled Ante, p. 408.An act to regulate the pay of the non-commissioned officers, musicians and privates of the militia of the United States, when called into actual service, and for other purposes.”

This act to be in force one year.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force, for the space of one year from the passing thereof, and from thence to the end of the next session of Congress, and no longer.

Approved, June 24, 1797.