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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/708

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Assessors shall distribute their districts into divisions, proceed through the same and require lists of lands, &c. to be delivered.in each assessment district, in pursuance of this act, shall be, and hereby are authorized and required to distribute their respective assessment districts, by mutual agreement, into such number of divisions as they shall deem convenient, not exceeding the number of assistant assessors appointed for each district; after which, they shall, severally, proceed, without delay, through their respective divisions, and in general through every part of their respective assessment districts, and shall require all persons owning or possessing any dwelling-houses, lands or slaves, or having the care or management thereof, to deliver separate written lists, specifying in one list, the dwelling-houses; in another, the lands; and in a third, the slaves, owned, possessed, or superintended by them respectively, in each and every assessment district of the state, or of any other state, designating the state, county, parish, township or town, as the case may be, where the property lies; and making separate lists, as aforesaid, for the property in each: Form of the lists.and the said lists shall specify in respect to dwelling-houses, their situation, their dimensions or area, their number of stories, the number and dimensions of their windows, the materials whereof they are built, whether wood, brick or stone, the number, description and dimensions of the out-houses appurtenant to them, and the names of their owners or occupants: And in respect to lands, the said lists shall specify the quantity of each separate tract or lot, the number, description and dimensions of all wharves and buildings thereon, except dwelling-houses above the value of one hundred dollars, and the out-houses appurtenant thereto; the name of the owner or occupant; and the quantity of land which such owner or occupant may claim, as entitled to exemption under this act, with the circumstances whereon the claim rests; and in respect to slaves, the said lists shall specify the number above the age of twelve, and under the age of fifty years, owned or possessed by, or under the care of each person, with the name of such person.

Sec. 10.Assessors may make lists in certain cases. And be it further enacted, That if any person, as aforesaid, shall not be prepared to exhibit a written list, when required, and shall consent to disclose the particulars of any and all lands, dwelling-houses and slaves as aforesaid, then and in such case it shall be the duty of the assessor to make such list, which being distinctly read and consented to, shall be received as the list of such person.

Sec. 11.Penalty on delivering or disclosing a fraudulent list. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall deliver or disclose to any assessor, appointed in pursuance of this act, and requiring a list or lists, as aforesaid, any false or fraudulent list, with intent to defeat or evade the valuation or enumeration hereby directed to be made, such person so offending, and being thereof convicted before any court having competent jurisdiction, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court, and shall pay all costs and charges of prosecution: How the assessors shall proceed in such case.And the valuation and enumeration of such person’s property, shall in all such cases, be made as aforesaid, upon lists, according to the form above described, to be made out by the assessors, respectively; which lists the said assessors are hereby authorized and required to make, according to the best information they can obtain, and for the purpose of making which, they are hereby authorized to enter into and upon all and singular the premises respectively, and from the valuations and enumerations so made, there shall be no appeal.

Sec. 12.Lists to be taken with reference to the 1st Oct. 1798, and transmitted to the principal assessors. And be it further enacted, That the lists aforesaid shall be taken with reference to the first day of October next; and the commissioners aforesaid shall prescribe a time to the assessors of assessment districts, within which time the said lists shall be taken and delivered to the principal assessor, to be named for that purpose, in each assessment district; which time shall not be more than thirty days from the time of receiving their precepts or warrants. And all lists of property, taken