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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/714

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Sec. 2. Allowance for clerk hire. And be it further enacted, That the following sums shall be allowed to the supervisors for clerk hire, in their respective offices, to wit:

To the supervisors of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, eight hundred dollars per annum, each.

To the supervisors of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Georgia, four hundred dollars per annum, each.

To the supervisors of Vermont, Delaware, Ohio and Tennessee, three hundred dollars per annum, each.

Sec. 3.Commissions allowed to the supervisors. And be it further enacted, That the supervisors shall, severally, be allowed, in addition to the salaries aforesaid, the same commissions on the product of all the internal duties heretofore imposed and collected in their respective districts, as have been heretofore allowed under the authority of the President of the United States.

Sec. 4.Annual salary to inspectors of surveys. And be it further enacted, That the inspectors of surveys now established under the authority of the President of the United States, in the several districts, not being also supervisors, shall each be allowed an annual salary of five hundred dollars.

Sec. 5.Allowance to inspectors for clerk hire. And be it further enacted, That each of the inspectors, not being also a supervisor, shall, in addition to the salary aforesaid, and to the commissions heretofore allowed to them by the President of the United States, be allowed two hundred dollars per annum for clerk hire in their respective offices.

Sec. 6.Commissions to collectors. And be it further enacted, That the collectors of the revenue shall be allowed a commission of six per centum on the product of all the internal duties heretofore imposed, and by them respectively received; except that in the districts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, a commission of four per centum, only, shall be allowed to the said collectors upon the amount of duties arising from spirits distilled from foreign materials.

Sec. 7.Annual salaries to collectors and auxiliary officers. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the supervisors of districts, to apportion and allow to such of the collectors of the revenue, and auxiliary officers, as, for the execution of the public service, it shall appear to them really necessary so to compensate, yearly salaries, not exceeding the medium rate of eighty dollars to the collectors of the revenue actually employed, nor exceeding the medium rate of thirty dollars to the auxiliary officers actually employed, nor exceeding the sums following, in the respective districts, to wit: In New Hampshire, four hundred and twenty dollars; in Massachusetts, one thousand four hundred and sixty dollars; in Rhode Island, two hundred and fifty dollars; in Connecticut, six hundred dollars; in Vermont, four hundred and twenty dollars; in New York, one thousand and ninety dollars; in New Jersey, eight hundred and twenty dollars; in Pennsylvania, one thousand six hundred and ten dollars; in Delaware, three hundred and thirty dollars; in Maryland, one thousand five hundred dollars; in Virginia, four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; in Ohio, seven hundred and ninety dollars; in Tennessee, three hundred and thirty dollars; in North Carolina, two thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars; in South Carolina, two thousand three hundred and forty dollars; and in Georgia, six hundred and sixty dollars.

Sec. 8.Other allowances to supervisors, inspectors, &c. And be it further enacted, That the supervisors shall be allowed, for preparing, stamping and distributing among the inspectors, one cent for every certificate to accompany foreign or domestic spirits, wines or teas, actually issued in the surveys and ports of their respective districts; that the inspectors of surveys, and such of the supervisors as perform the same duties, shall be allowed two cents and one half for each certificate signed by them and issued to accompany domestic distilled spirits, and one cent for each certificate signed by them, and issued to