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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/725

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executed in due form of law, shall afford a valid title against all persons claiming under the delinquent collectors, or their sureties, aforesaid; and all monies that may remain of the proceeds of such sale, after satisfying the said warrant of distress, and paying the reasonable costs and charges of sale, shall be returned to the proprietor of the lands or real estate sold as aforesaid.

Sec. 17. And be it further enacted,Collectors may be dismissed by the supervisors. That it shall be lawful for the supervisors of the respective districts, at any time, for good and sufficient cause, to dismiss or discharge each or any collector from office, and to commit the collection of any part of the said tax remaining uncollected, to a new collector; and immediately upon such dismission, and after a notification thereof, in at least two public places in the collection district, by the supervisor, or the surveyor of the revenue for the district, on his behalf, the powers of the collector so dismissed, shall cease and terminate; and if any collector, so dismissed, shall wilfully refuse or neglect to surrender his collection list, and to render a true account of all monies collected, and to pay over the same, according to the directions of the supervisor, each and every such collector shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars, with costs of suit, to be recovered to the use of the United States, in any court having competent jurisdiction: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair the responsibility of any collector, or his sureties, arising under the foregoing provisions of this act.

Sec. 18. And be it further enacted,Penalty on collectors guilty of extortion, &c. That each and every collector, who shall exercise, or be guilty of any extortion or oppression, under colour of this act, or shall demand other or greater sums than shall be authorized by law, shall be liable to pay a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars; to be recovered by and for the use of the party injured, with costs of suit, in any court having competent jurisdiction;They shall give receipts. and each and every collector shall, if required, give receipts for all sums by them collected and retained, in pursuance of this act.

Sec. 19. And be it further enacted,Compensation for collection. That for collecting the said tax, there shall be allowed and paid, the following sums, and no more, to be retained by the several officers herein after mentioned, in the final settlement of their accounts, respectively; that is to say:—To each supervisor, one half per centum, on the whole amount of the monies by him received and accounted for, under and by virtue of this act;—to every inspector, one fourth per centum, on the whole amount of the monies to be by him received and accounted for, as aforesaid; and to every collector, five per centum, on the whole amount of the monies by him to be received and accounted for, as aforesaid: Provided, that no collector shall receive the said allowance, for, or in respect to any sum for which a warrant of distress shall have been issued by him; and provided also, that no collector who shall refuse or neglect to render, according to this act, any monthy account of monies by him received, as aforesaid, or to pay over the same, as is hereby directed, shall be entitled to, or receive the said allowance, upon all or any of the monies by him collected, within the month for which he shall so refuse or neglect to account and pay over, as aforesaid.

Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to the surveyors of the revenue, respectively, to be paid by the supervisors, respectively, and exhibited in their accounts, as part of the charge of the said collection, for preparing collection lists, and computing the taxes payable by each individual, at the rate of one dollar for every hundred taxables contained in any such list.

Sec. 21. And be it further enacted,Separate accounts to be kept at the treasury of monies received by virtue of this act. That a separate account shall be kept at the treasury of the United States of all monies to be collected and received by virtue of this act; distinguishing the several amounts received from dwelling-houses, from slaves, and from lands, within each